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Bond LSC News, Page 21

Feb. 27, 2020

#IAmScience: Kamlendra Singh

#IAmScience: Kamlendra Singh

By Jerry Duggan|Bond LSC Kamal Singh was in the town of Allahabad in his native India, preparing for competitive exams to become a government official. As he craned his head to the left, he saw a highly respected official getting berated by an arrogant and disrespectful political leader. While Singh always knew that, in these…

Feb. 26, 2020

One step closer

One step closer

Christian Lorson poses next to a microscope in his lab. | photo by Lauren Hines, Bond LSC. By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC From developing a question to discovering a potential solution and putting it into practice, the journey from research to practical application is a long one. Nevertheless, each step brings that solution one…

Feb. 21, 2020

#IAmScience George Stewart

#IAmScience George Stewart

By Becca Wolf | Bond LSC Medical bacteriologist, George Stewart has had a few stops along the way before he got to Bond LSC in 2004. Having done schooling and research at universities from the midwest to the east coast, it has been a long journey filled with many ups and downs, but a rewarding…

Feb. 14, 2020

#IAmScience Mel Oliver

#IAmScience Mel Oliver

By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC With his wide range of teas laid out along the windowsill, and his small posters still in stacks on the floor, Mel Oliver is still setting up his new office at Bond LSC after arriving in December. It takes a while to settle into a new space like the…

Feb. 12, 2020

Another Piece of the Pi: Tech gives research automation edge

Another Piece of the Pi: Tech gives research automation edge

This Raspberry Pi device developed by former MU undergrad Brandin Grindstaff allowed members of the Chris Pires lab to remotely monitor their plants. | photo by Roger Meissen, Bond LSC By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC What does an iconic American dessert have in common with a credit-card-sized single-board computer? Well, only its name. Small…

Feb. 10, 2020

Coming to a crossroads

Coming to a crossroads

Janlo Robil submitted the piece above entitled, “Auxin Motherboard” to the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art in October 2019. | photo contributed by Janlo Robil, Bond LSC By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC The scene of the science fair wouldn’t be complete without the paper mâché volcano, the gymnasium full of colorful display boards set…

Feb. 7, 2020

#IAmScience Sanzida Rahman

#IAmScience Sanzida Rahman

By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC Growing up in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, Sanzida Rahman longed for space to grow a garden. She often grew plants and vegetables on small windowsills and the roof of her home, making the most of what little space she had. From an early age, Rahman, a doctoral student…

Feb. 6, 2020

Bringing in talent: New labs look for recruiting edge at annual event

George Smith, Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, speaks at the Joint Recruitment Weekend at Bond LSC. |Photo by Jerry Duggan, Bond LSC By Jerry Duggan | Bond LSC It was an entirely new process for Henry (XiuFeng) Wan as he spent part of last weekend wooing potential graduate students at the 11th annual Graduate Life…

Jan. 27, 2020

The taming of the brain

The taming of the brain

Russian silver foxes that have been tamed show changes in their brains. | photo provided by Anna Kukekova Bond LSC scientist delves into how domestication alters the fox brain By Roger Meissen | Bond Life Sciences Center You might be familiar with the idiom “don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” but when it comes…

Jan. 24, 2020

#IAmScience Kaitlyn Waters

#IAmScience Kaitlyn Waters

By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC It’s common knowledge that all Ph.D. candidates must complete research in preparation for a dissertation, but what happens when one’s faculty mentor moves to a different school before completion? Kaitlyn Waters found herself in that situation as she was preparing for the final year of her Ph.D. program. Waters,…