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Modifying molecules with lasers

Modifying molecules with lasers

Jay Thelen Brief by Roger Meissen| Bond LSC What do lasers have to do with food allergies? Bond LSC’s Jay Thelen was recently part of a team that looked at how short laser pulses might be used to modify peptides and proteins to make foods edible for those with specific allergies. Thelen, a biochemistry professor, joined…

Ronnie LaCombe #IAmScience

Ronnie LaCombe #IAmScience

Ronnie LaCombe, a Ph. D candidate in biological sciences at MU, stands near her lab station in D Cornelison’s lab in Bond LSC. | photo by Allison Scott, Bond LSC By Allison Scott | Bond LSC “#IAmScience because I feel most alive when I’m talking to people, both in and out of my field, about…

Expanding the limits of knowledge

Expanding the limits of knowledge

Purva Patel presents her research on iron in plants during the undergraduate research fair. Patel works in Dr. Mendoza’s lab in the Bond Life Sciences Center. By: Samantha Kummerer, Bond LSC Purva Patel grew up captivated by newspaper articles discussing a method to grow plants without soil called hydroponics. Today, she is one of the…

A love story closes LSSP 2017

A love story closes LSSP 2017

Jim Obergefell’s love endured through his partner’s death and all the way to the Supreme Court. Jim Obergefell speaks about winning the landmark Supreme Court case that granted equal marraige rights to same-sex couples. Obergefell received a standing ovation after his lecture. Photo by Eleanor Hasenbeck | Bond Life Sciences By Eleanor C. Hasenbeck |…

McKibben urges climate action in campus lecture

McKibben urges climate action in campus lecture

Bill McKibben explained the impact of increasing carbon emissions on the global climate and explored solutions to slowing the trend Bill McKibben responds to an audience member’s question at his lecture on Oct. 4 in Jesse Hall. The screen behind him shows demonstrators blocking an oil rig from leaving harbor. McKibben called them “kayak-tivists.” Photo…

Katy Guthrie #IAmScience

Katy Guthrie #IAmScience

Katy Guthrie, a Ph.D. candidate, works in Dr. Paula McSteen’s lab in Bond LSC. | photo by Allison Scott, Bond LSC By Allison Scott | Bond LSC “#IAmScience because I want to take the knowledge I gain and teach it to other young scientists so they share in this excitement, too.” Katy Guthrie grew up as…

The state of the American marriage

The state of the American marriage

Eli Finkel explains not all modern marriages are getting worse. Finkel spoke about his new book, “The All-Or-Nothing Marriage”. | Photo by Samantha Kummerer, Bond LSC By: Samantha Kummerer, Bond LSC “And they lived happily ever after. Like, what the hell?” Eli Finkel exclaimed. “That’s a foolish way of thinking. Really what you’re doing is…

Examining the African American marriage

Examining the African American marriage

Charlandra Bryant reveals some of her findings on what influences African Americans’ marriage quality. Bryant spoke on the effects of health on African American couples on Saturday, Oct. 7. | Photo by Roger Meissen, Bond LSC By: Samantha Kummerer, Bond LSC “Race matters, even in marriage,” Charlandra Bryant said to open her talk on the…

The power of a hug

The power of a hug

Kory Floyd speaks about humans’ need for affection. Floyd spoke during the 13th annual Life Sciences and Society Symposium on Saturday, Oct. 7. | Photo by Roger Meissen, Bond LSC By: Samantha Kummerer, Bond LSC Kory Floyd was stressed and having an all-around bad day, but then a coworker offered him a hug. “That hug…

Being friendly can payoff

Being friendly can payoff

Dr. Brian Hare speaks about how friendliness and natural selection are connected at the 13th annual LSSP symposium, The Science of Love. | photo by Roger Meissen Hare explains survival of the friendliest as component of natural selection By Allison Scott Dogs really are a man’s best friend if you ask Brian Hare. Our four-legged…