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#IAmScience David Porciani

#IAmScience David Porciani

By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC David Porciani was inspired into a science career. Growing up along the Mediterranean Sea in Livorno, Italy, Porciani was fascinated with all different types of science, until he met two high school mentors. “They inspired me,” said Porciani, who now works in the Burke Lab at Bond LSC. “They…

Ha Duong #IAmScience

Ha Duong #IAmScience

By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC 8,124 miles. That’s how far Ph.D. student Ha Duong traveled from home to work in the Stacey Lab at Bond LSC. Duong came from her home in Vietnam where she studied plant sciences at Hanoi University of Agriculture. A chance encounter brought her to MU. “Back in my last…

A sound generational difference

A sound generational difference

Scientists are seeing changes in vocal patterns in the grandoffspring of California mice exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals like BPA. Photo by Roger Meissen | Bond LSC Endocrine disruptors alter baby mice calls generations later By Roger Meissen | Bond LSC The sounds can seem like a mix between a bird tweet and a high-pitched…

Rowan Karvas #IAmScience

Rowan Karvas #IAmScience

Rowan Karvas, a Ph.D candidate at Mizzou, works in the Roberts Lab in Bond LSC. | photo by Erica Overfelt, Bond LSC By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC Answering the unsolved questions is a lifetime commitment for fifth year Ph.D. candidate Rowan Karvas in the Roberts Lab at Bond LSC and Laura Schulz’s lab at…

Stephanie Scott #IAmScience

Stephanie Scott #IAmScience

Stephanie Scott, a biochemistry major, works in the Thelen Lab in Bond LSC. | photo by Allison Scott, Bond LSC By Allison Scott | Bond Life Sciences Center Students choose colleges for a number of reasons: location, price, programs offered. Stephanie Scott was just a kid the first time she stepped onto Mizzou’s campus, and…

Andrea Ravelo #IAmScience

Andrea Ravelo #IAmScience

Andrea Ravelo, a Ph.D. candidate in Chris Pires’ lab. | photo by Allison Scott, Bond LSC By Allison Scott | Bond Life Sciences Center Mizzou is a family tradition for some. It’s passed down from generation to generation of Tigers as more and more family members join the lineage of “True Sons and Daughters.” Andrea…

Maria Boftsi #IAmScience

Maria Boftsi #IAmScience

Maria Boftsi, a Ph. D candidate, stands near her lab station in the Pintel Lab in Bond LSC. | photo by Allison Scott, Bond LSC   By Allison Scott | Bond LSC Change is hard. Especially when you’re comparing weather, like Maria Boftsi, a second year Ph.D. student in the Pintel Lab at Bond LSC,…

Vivariums and The Hidden Metropolis Beneath Bond LSC

Vivariums and The Hidden Metropolis Beneath Bond LSC

  Bond LSC Facility Manager Dana Weir observes a family of rats in one of the vivariums. Photo by Raye Allen By Madelyne Maag You’ve heard of aquariums and terrariums, but probably not of a vivarium before. These enclosed structures take on a whole new meaning when science is brought into the picture. And little do people…

Mark Schroeder #IAmScience

Mark Schroeder #IAmScience

Mark Schroeder, a Ph.D. candidate, works in Lloyd Sumner’s lab in Bond LSC. | photo by Allison Scott, Bond LSC “#IAmScience because I like to learn how things work from the deepest level.” For most people, a television breaking or a computer shutting down is annoying at best. It means they’ll have to embark on…

Ben Spears #IAmScience

Ben Spears #IAmScience

Ben Spears, a Ph.D. candidate, works in the Gassmann Lab in Bond LSC. | photo by Allison Scott, Bond LSC “#IAmScience because science is like solving a puzzle, and I can take any scientific question and boil the results down to chip away at much greater puzzles.” By Allison Scott | Bond Life Sciences Center…