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Dec. 14, 2018

Closure comes with final defense

Closure comes with final defense

Ph.D. dissertation wraps up student career. By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC Ending your career as a student is a whirlwind of emotion. Ph.D. student Ben Spears soon will be saying his final goodbyes to his lab after he gave his final presentation earlier this month. Spears spent the past six years in Walter Gassmann’s…

Dec. 11, 2018

Stacey named National Academy of Inventors Fellow

Stacey named National Academy of Inventors Fellow

By Roger Meissen, Bond LSC Science and invention are both about discovering the possibilities in something. Those possibilities can create something new that improves the lives of people and advances our understanding of the world. It’s no surprise that Gary Stacey, a Bond Life Sciences Center primary investigator, is being recognized this year as one…

Dec. 7, 2018

#IAmScience Shawn Abrahams

#IAmScience Shawn Abrahams

By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC “Eccentric” is generally a word you do not want to use for a future boss. But that’s what led Shawn Abrahams to the Chris Pires’ lab at Bond LSC. Abrahams first met Pires at the Botany 2013 conference in New Orleans. “If you have ever met Chris before you…

Nov. 30, 2018

#IAmScience Trupti Joshi

#IAmScience Trupti Joshi

By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC Juggling research, teaching, collaborative meetings, grant writing, and training postdocs and students is no problem for Trupti Joshi. That array of responsibilities is just part of the job for a Bond LSC researcher focused on bioinformatics, an area that connects so many types of science by collecting and analyzing…

Nov. 15, 2018

#IAmScience Sarah Unruh

#IAmScience Sarah Unruh

By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC Orchids are just weird. No, like really weird, even bizarre. But sixth-year biological sciences Ph.D. student Sarah Unruh likes bizarre things. “Name me a plant rule and I can tell you how orchids have broken them,” Unruh said. “Not all of them have leaves, a lot grow on top…

Nov. 12, 2018

#IAmScience Nikita Gudekar

#IAmScience Nikita Gudekar

By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC You’ve probably seen TV in shows like Law & Order or CSI and not viewed them as career inspiration. But for graduate student Nikita Gudekar, all she could think about was the science behind their techniques. As a child, Gudekar thought she could use the scientific techniques to catch…

Nov. 2, 2018

#IAmScience Monir Shababi

#IAmScience Monir Shababi

By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC Research Assistant Professor Monir Shababi and mothers of SMARD children started out as friends on Facebook. Now, they’re friends for a lifetime. It was an unexpected turn for someone who spends most of her professional life in a lab. SMARD1 is an acronym for the rare genetic neuromuscular disease…

Oct. 26, 2018

#IAmScience Will Costigan

#IAmScience Will Costigan

By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC When Will Costigan came to MU he knew he wanted to do research, but wasn’t sure what exactly. Costigan joined Freshman Research in Plant Sciences (FRIPS) the first moment he could his freshman year to explore his research options. “When I started, I didn’t think I was interested in…

Oct. 19, 2018

#IAmScience Amanda Blythe

#IAmScience Amanda Blythe

 By Erica Overfelt | Bond LSC You could credit a high school career fair to Amanda Blythe’s early success or simply luck. Either way, Blythe was younger than most when her research was first published. “I found a program at Washington University over the summer before my senior year of high school,” Blythe said. “They…

Oct. 15, 2018

New faculty eager to enhance collaborative mission at Bond LSC

New faculty eager to enhance collaborative mission at Bond LSC

Wes Warren (left), Bing Yang (middle) and Ron Mittler (right) recently joined Bond LSC as primary investigators. | photos by Erica Overfelt and Roger Meissen, Bond LSC By Roger Meissen | Bond LSC Like with any family, a new addition brings possibility and excitement. For Bond LSC, three new faculty promise to enrich research at…