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Sept. 14, 2017

Bond Life Sciences grant leads to revolutionary way to create vaccines

Bond Life Sciences grant leads to revolutionary way to create vaccines

Researchers Jeffrey Adamovicz, Bret Ulery, and Dong Xu work together to develop a vaccine in a novel way. The trio received a Bond Life Sciences Center seed grant to fund their interdisciplinary research. | Photo by Samantha Kummerer, Bond LSC By Samantha Kummerer, Bond LSC What happens when a chemical engineer, a computer scientist, and…

Sept. 8, 2017

A Ph.D

A Ph.D. in structural virology

Anna Gres studies HIV capsid protein using X-ray crystallography. She recently finished her five-year research project at the Bond Life Sciences Center. | photo by Roger Meissen, Bond LSC Gres reflects on the dissertation in HIV research By: Samantha Kummerer, Bond LSC Ph.D. candidate Anna Gres frequently described her success at the Bond Life Sciences…

Sept. 5, 2017

Into muscles

Into muscles

Rebecca Craigg, an undergraduate biology major, studies muscle regeneration in D Cornelison’s lab. | Photo by Samantha Kummerer, Bond LSC Undergrad’s passion spurred by mice muscle regeneration research By: Samantha Kummerer | Bond LSC Uncertainty and curiosity led Rebecca Craigg to work in a lab. As a first-generation college student with an interest in science…

Aug. 31, 2017

Women Power At Bond LSC

Women Power At Bond LSC

Melissa Mitchum, D Cornelison and Cheryl Rosenfeld (from left to right) of Bond Life Sciences Center were promoted to full professor on September 1, 2017. Three Promoted to Full Professor By MJ Rogers, Bond LSC Scientific success largely hinges on research results, and four recent promotions at Bond Life Sciences Center celebrate that achievement. Cheryl…

Aug. 30, 2017

Emilia Asante #IAmScience

Emilia Asante #IAmScience

“#IAmScience because looking into the unknown and coming up with a plan to take a stab at answering it is so fascinating.” No one in Emilia Asante’s family works in a science field or attended graduate school. “As an immigrant from Ghana, my family was unaware of the American educational system,” she said. “So many of…

Aug. 23, 2017

Summer ripens undergrad research interest

Summer ripens undergrad research interest

Natalie Hickerson stands next to her research poster at MU’s Undergraduate Research Forum. Hickerson, a biochemistry major, spent her summer in Dr. Hannink’s lab. By: Samantha Kummerer| Bond LSC It takes a lot of time and patience to be a scientist. This is something that first-time researcher Natalie Hickerson quickly discovered. “A lot of the…

Aug. 22, 2017

Johanna Morrow #IAmScience

Johanna Morrow #IAmScience

Johanna Morrow collects leaf samples from plants in the Bond Life Sciences Center’s growth chamber. Morrow is a Ph.D. student in the Liscum lab.  By Samantha Kummerer | Bond LSC  “#IAmScience because learning something new is super exciting! I love that by performing research one can contribute to the collection of knowledge.” Johanna Morrow discovered…

Aug. 16, 2017

Striking Oil

Striking Oil

Jay Thelen, a Bond LSC researcher, next to the GC-MS machine in his lab, which tracks seed oil measurements. | photo by Mary Jane Rogers, Bond LSC How to get crops to produce seeds with more oil By: MJ Rogers, Bond LSC You can’t get blood out of a stone, but Jay Thelen wants to…

Aug. 11, 2017

Katelynn Koskie #IAmScience

Katelynn Koskie #IAmScience

Katelynn Koskie, a Ph.D candidate, works in Mannie Liscum’s lab. | Photo by Samantha Kummerer, Bond LSC By Samantha Kummerer | Bond LSC “#IAmScience because I want to help unravel the mysteries of nature that will improve our futures and positively impact our planet.” Katelynn Koskie didn’t always know she loved plants. As an undergraduate,…

June 6, 2017

Dean Bergstrom #IAmScience

Dean Bergstrom #IAmScience

Dean Bergstrom, the new building manager for Bond LSC. | Photo by Mary Jane Rogers, Bond LSC By Mary Jane Rogers | Bond LSC “#IAmScience because I provide the world class scientists of Mizzou’s Bond Life Sciences Center with the finest facilities available.” As the new building manager for the Bond Life Sciences Center, Dean Bergstrom…