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Bond LSC Research, Page 5

Nov. 5, 2020

Shining Light on Plant Reaction

Shining Light on Plant Reaction

Arabidopsis grows in Ron Mittler’s lab. | photo by Becca Wolf, Bond LSC By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC Daylight might not seem dangerous, but for plants, too much daylight can cause hazards similar to a nasty sunburn or a human scalding themselves. When you jerk your hand back from a boiling pan or a…

Oct. 26, 2020

Learning From History

Learning From History

Sung-Hwan Cho, a research scientist in the Gary Stacey lab, checks in on the arabidopsis plants that he uses in his purinergic signaling experiments. | photo by Lauren Hines, Bond LSC. By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC Until the 1990s, the presence and significance of extracellular ATP, a nucleotide that normally provides energy to a…

Oct. 19, 2020

Four months in, Baker lab hits the ground running and won’t be stopping anytime soon

Four months in, Baker lab hits the ground running and won’t be stopping anytime soon

Post doctorate Harim Tavares from the Baker lab works in “the hood,” which is a space used to prevent researchers and other outside factors from contaminating cells. By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC Saliva is often something people take for granted. It helps break down food, maintain teeth and keep the oral cavity feeling comfortable.…

Oct. 7, 2020

Plant vs

Plant vs. Pathogen

Research scientist Jianbin Su studies the immune system in lettuce on the third floor of the Bond Life Science Center. By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC Scientist Jianbin Su’s research lately took him outside to look at patches of grass and cracks in sidewalks around Mizzou’s campus, searching for a subject in the wild. He…

Sept. 25, 2020

Beyond the Vaccine

Beyond the Vaccine

Lucas Woods from the Weisman lab watches lung cancer cells and oral epithelial cells grow. | photo by Lauren Hines, Bond LSC By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC Vaccine development remains a central goal to get the current COVID-19 pandemic under control. While vaccines are highly vital in the fight against the current pandemic, what…

Sept. 2, 2020

In Search of a Bond

In Search of a Bond

Clement Essien poses outside Bond LSC near the building’s garden. | photo by Lauren Hines, Bond LSC. By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC Artificial intelligence (AI) can do more than just write a book given a few words. It can help make cancer treatments more effective and predict the presence of disease in cells, which…

May 27, 2020

Shirwan, Yolcu Bring Pedigree, ProtEx Technology to Bond LSC

Haval Shirwan and Esma Yolcu By Jerry Duggan | Bond LSC Haval Shirwan and Esma Yolcu arrive at Bond LSC as accomplished researchers. While having different expertise within the field of immunology, the married couple collaborates extensively on research and together developed ProtEx technology, an alternative to traditional methods of gene therapy for immunomodulation with…

May 25, 2020

Probing for answers

Probing for answers

Kwaku Tawiah, Ph.D. candidate, poses on the fifth floor of Bond LSC. | photo by Mariah Cox, Bond LSC. By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC Disease diagnosis takes money, time and technology — something rural communities don’t always possess. Kwaku Tawiah, a fifth-year graduate student, and researchers in the Burke lab are creating a probe…

May 19, 2020

Shifting Focus: HIV researcher takes on COVID-19

Shifting Focus: HIV researcher takes on COVID-19

Marc Johnson | photo by Roger Meissen, Bond LSC By Becca Wolf | Bond LSC Marc Johnson’s research focus changed suddenly one day this February when he received a shipment. That package of synthesized SARS-COV2 spike genes — the virus that causes COVID-19 — has now taken him down a new path. “It was unusual,…

May 13, 2020

The Little Robot That Can

The Little Robot That Can

The imaging system helps collect data on the growth of plants. | photo contributed by Samuel McInturf. By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC In a corner of the David Mendoza lab, a small machine runs back and forth across a track, taking pictures continuously of plants grown in clear square plates. This machine not only…