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Oct. 12, 2020

Finding a Link between Xenoestrogens and Autism

Finding a Link between Xenoestrogens and Autism

California mice | photo by Roger Meissen, Bond LSC By Becca Wolf | Bond LSC It’s hard to see a family member treated differently because of a behavior disorder, but those with relatives diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) know its impact. Since it affects how people act, communicate, and learn, people with ASD often…

Oct. 9, 2020

#IAmScience Norma Castro-Guerrero

#IAmScience Norma Castro-Guerrero

By Becca Wolf | Bond LSC If you like your work, you won’t ever work a day in your life. That’s the case for Norma Castro-Guerrero, a research scientist in David Mendoza’s lab at Bond Life Sciences Center. Having a good attitude and making the most of everything is something she strives to do. “I…

Oct. 5, 2020

Influenza: How it Transmits from Birds to Pigs

Influenza: How it Transmits from Birds to Pigs

Henry Wan | Photo by Roger Meissen, Bond LSC By Becca Wolf Geese will soon fill the skies as they migrate south in V-formation as the weather gets colder and the leaves start changing color. For a month or so, migrating birds take over, crossing roads, sitting in parks and stopping to eat leftover seeds…

Sept. 21, 2020

Four Cell Lines, One Great Discovery

Four Cell Lines, One Great Discovery

Using cell lines to better understand copper homeostasis Nikita Gudekar working at her lab table. | photo by Becca Wolf, Bond LSC By Becca Wolf | Bond LSC When one thinks of copper, they often think of a shiny new penny. A striking engravement of Abraham Lincoln’s side profile with the words, ‘In God we…

Sept. 11, 2020

A Big Load: Using Wastewater to Test For COVID-19

A Big Load: Using Wastewater to Test For COVID-19

Marc Johnson collecting pellets in his lab. | photo by Becca Wolf, Bond LSC By Becca Wolf | Bond LSC There is not much thought that goes into using the bathroom. You do your business, flush, and wash your hands. It is just a part of the daily routine. Recently though, human waste has become…

Sept. 4, 2020

Killing Cancer with Code

Killing Cancer with Code

These maps show the receptors’ locations, density and count in a cancer cell. | photo contributed by Alexander Jurkevich, Donald Burke-Agüero, David Porciani and Skyler Kramer. By Lauren Hines | Bond LSC With two laptops in front of him and a supercomputer on the edge of campus, graduate student Skyler Kramer runs through code daily…

July 16, 2020

New analysis points to danger in FDA’s allowed levels of BPA in food

Jiude Mao works on BPA testing in the lab of Cheryl Rosenfeld. By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC Bisphenol A, more commonly known as BPA, has been a source of scientific dispute for the past decade. With a lack of consensus among scientists, consumers are left unaware of the potential harms of the chemicals in…

June 3, 2020

IMSD awarded grant to continue training diverse scientists

New funding changes some structure to program Olivia Warner By Jerry Duggan | Bond LSC Mizzou was always near the top of Olivia Warner’s list for Ph.D. programs. Its renowned psychological sciences program, sound training in Warner’s specialty of addiction and supportive, collaborative atmosphere that she didn’t see at other places made it a top…

June 1, 2020

Studying Drug Resistance, One Connection at a Time

Studying Drug Resistance, One Connection at a Time

Kinjal Majumder | photo by Mariah Cox, Bond LSC By Becca Wolf | Bond LSC Where you are creates opportunities. The structure and placement of labs encourages researchers to collaborate and talk to each other and often, connections and friendships are formed. For Kinjal Majumder, a virologist and postdoctoral fellow in the David Pintel lab…

April 30, 2020


Treating COVID-19: Bond LSC lab explores effectiveness of remdesivir and other potential drugs

By Jerry Duggan | Bond LSC As countries hang their hopes on the drug remdesivir for battling COVID-19, recent modeling and computer-aided drug evaluation at the University of Missouri caution to keep an open mind and consider other drug treatments. Kamlendra Singh at MU’s Bond Life Sciences Center evaluated remdesivir — an antiviral originally developed…