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Jan. 14, 2020

Stepping into their own

Stepping into their own

Two Bond Life Sciences Center researchers find their path in teaching and research Sarah Unruh and Vinit Shanbhag have both taken paths that have led them toward teaching positions and fellowships. By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC As one semester closes and another begins, Sarah Unruh finds herself at the start of a new chapter…

Dec. 30, 2019

Stopping transport: How limiting copper can combat cancer

Stopping transport: How limiting copper can combat cancer

Vinit Shanbhag (left) is pictured with a few of his co-collaborators Nikita Gudekar, Michael Petris (principal investigator), Kimberly Jasmer and Aslam Khan (from left to right). | Photo by Jinghong Chen, Bond LSC By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC We find copper in currency, electrical equipment and jewelry, but it also plays an essential role…

Dec. 13, 2019

#IAmScience Madison Green

#IAmScience Madison Green

By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC It’s hard for a sixth-grader to nail down exactly what she wants to do for the rest of her life, but that’s when the process started for Madison Green. After all, it isn’t the easiest of decisions. With a wide range of possibilities, it can be hard for anyone…

Nov. 25, 2019

A return to mentor: Gant advises on PREP for Ph.D

A return to mentor: Gant advises on PREP for Ph.D.’s

Kristal Gant, a former MU PREP Scholar and current Ph.D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin – Madison | photo by Roger Meissen, Bond LSC By Roger Meissen | Bond LSC Kristal Gant is a long way from the student she was when she donned a lab coat and wielded a pipette in labs at…

Nov. 22, 2019

#IAmScience Rachel Martin

#IAmScience Rachel Martin

By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC Rachel Martin always faced challenges head-on. As a budding freshman who began her college career in the School of Journalism, she switched to biological sciences, tackled a double major in music, joined two research labs and kept up with clubs throughout her undergraduate career. Through it all, she has…

Nov. 19, 2019

A blight-free future

A blight-free future

Bond LSC scientist works with global consortium to eliminate costly rice disease Rice terraces in Sapa, Vietnam: Rice is the world’s most important food plant, playing a vital role for nutrition in Asia and Africa in particular. In those countries, rice is generally grown by small farmers. If their fields are infected by bacterial blight,…

Nov. 12, 2019

Exceeding the Challenge

Exceeding the Challenge

Focus on new grants results in research funding bump On Oct. 11, 2019, as part of University of Missouri Homecoming festivities, Chancellor Alexander N. Cartwright shared about MU’s value to society during the annual State of the University address. | Contributed by MU News Bureau By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC It’s an inconvenient truth…

Nov. 8, 2019

#IAmScience Maddy Creach

#IAmScience Maddy Creach

“Science is concrete, but it isn’t rigid. Research is constantly new and fresh.” By Danielle Pycior | Bond LSC For Maddy Creach, a scientific career was always the end goal, and television and books have played a part in that inspiration. When she was a kid, her “big science nerd” of a dad watched NOVA…

Nov. 1, 2019

#IAmScience Sharon Pike

#IAmScience Sharon Pike

By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC Sharon Pike grew up in an era that didn’t encourage young girls to pursue fields predominantly occupied by men. Through trial and error in various careers, she eventually landed a spot as a lab technician at MU in 1985. Since then, she found her passion and voice in science,…

Oct. 24, 2019

#IamScience Paul Martin 

#IamScience Paul Martin 

By Danielle Pycior | Bond LSC Two years ago, Paul Martin found his love for biology in a freshman-level non-majors course. He’s now a researcher in Walter Gassmann’s lab helping to study transcription factors that regulate a plant’s immune response to bacterial pathogens.  Martin grew up in Kansas City, Missouri, near Arrowhead Stadium and has…