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Dec. 8, 2023

OPEN leaf system offers affordable, automated option for plant data collection

OPEN leaf system offers affordable, automated option for plant data collection

Landon Swartz, a graduate research student at the University of Missouri in the David Mendoza-Cózatl  lab at Bond LSC, looks at the camera on the OPEN leaf machine and makes adjustments to the plant the robot is photographing. | Photo by Sarah Kiefer, Bond LSC By Sarah Kiefer The LED lights danced as the OPEN…

Nov. 13, 2023

Libault returns to Bond LSC as plant scientist with single cell focus

Libault returns to Bond LSC as plant scientist with single cell focus

Marc Libault, a new Bond LSC principal investigator and professor of professor of plant science and technology in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at the University of Missouri. | Photo by Sarah Kiefer, Bond LSC By Sarah Kiefer | Bond LSC Marc Libault only ended up one floor up from his old…

Nov. 7, 2023

How the tiger’s nose knows

How the tiger’s nose knows

The Bengal tiger was one of five feline lineages compared to gives a comprehensive look at genome sequence structures that could have driven the evolution of distinct cat species. This new reference genome is comparable to the human genome in terms of its completeness, and could be used to for feline…

Oct. 20, 2023

Protein Fusion as the Solution—Picking’s Path to Vaccine Development

Protein Fusion as the Solution—Picking’s Path to Vaccine Development

  Wendy Picking, professor of veterinary pathobiology and principal investigator at Bond Life Sciences Center sits in her office and shows off some notes she jotted down about the vaccines she’s working on. | Photo by Beni Adelstein, Bond LSC By Beni Adelstein Wendy Picking uses the power of proteins to fight pesky pathogens like…

Oct. 20, 2023

Baker lab IDs rare tuft cells in salivary glands that may prove significant in Sjögren’s disease

Baker lab IDs rare tuft cells in salivary glands that may prove significant in Sjögren’s disease

Lab of Olga Baker, a Bond LSC researcher and professor of otolaryngology at the University of Missouri. From left to right, Harim Tavares dos Santos, Olga Baker, Kihoon Nam, and Frank Maslow. | Photo by Sarah Kiefer, Bond LSC By Sarah Kiefer A digital declutter is a way to get rid of the seemingly endless…

Oct. 6, 2023

Ongoing vaccine projects address 100-year-old disease and others in fight against tick-borne diseases

Ongoing vaccine projects address 100-year-old disease and others in fight against tick-borne diseases

Lab of Roman Ganta, Bond LSC principal investigator and McKee endowed professor of veterinary pathobiology. | Photo by Sarah Kiefer, Bond LSC By Sarah Kiefer It only takes a quiet walk through the Missouri woods to encounter ticks. As they crawl from the rich vegetation among the bushes and grass onto humans and animals alike,…

Sept. 28, 2023

Zooming in on the tools: T33 Secretion System

Zooming in on the tools: T33 Secretion System

Zooming in on the tools: TS33 Secretion System William Picking standing next to a poster from his work in the Journal of Molecular Biology.  This diagram depicts the structure of protein PscK from the pathogen Pseudomonas Lanuginose, which is used in a system to inject toxins into immune cells. Images A and C depict the…

Sept. 19, 2023

Fellowship Spotlight: Cynthia Tang

Fellowship Spotlight: Cynthia Tang

Research skills aren’t built in a day, but Cynthia Tang’s diligence brought those skills to bear as she recently received an NIH fellowship to further her budding career in science. “Receiving the F30 fellowship means that the NIH sees value in my research proposal, in my training environment at the University of Missouri, and in…

Sept. 13, 2023

Singh lab finds new protein that induces the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine and the treatment drug remdesivir

Singh lab finds new protein that induces the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine and the treatment drug remdesivir

Kamal Singh (right), a principal investigator at Bond Life Sciences Center, assistant professor in the MU College of Veterinary Medicine, and the director of the Molecular Interactions Core stands next to Saathvik Kannan (left), a senior at Hickman High School and a computer programmer and researcher for the Singh lab. | Photo by Roger Meissen,…

Sept. 1, 2023

#IAmScience Torin Hunter

#IAmScience Torin Hunter

By Sarah Kiefer The hunt for emerging coronavirus variants keeps Torin Hunter busy testing samples from sewer systems across Missouri. As a part of The Sewershed Surveillance Project, Hunter has spent the last year and a half taking each test tube and carefully filtering the samples to contribute data on how SARS-CoV-2 can be present…