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Hot topic research networking

Hot topic research networking

Moving science forward through discussion By Danielle Pycior | Bond LSC A casual conversation amongst friends two years ago turned into an initiative to better connect scientists doing related work across the University of Missouri campus. Hot Topic research networking was born out of informal discussions, growing into a cross-campus and cross-discipline network. “They need…

#IAmScience Michael Greenlief

#IAmScience Michael Greenlief

By Danielle Pycior | Bond LSC In high school, Michael Greenlief had teachers that led his curiosity into a passion for science and problem-solving. Decades later, he is an associate professor of chemistry at the University of Missouri and director of Charles W. Gehrke Proteomics Center located in Bond Life Sciences Center. Depending on the…

Pumping Iron: Leaves play a larger role in controlling how plants absorb micronutrients

Pumping Iron: Leaves play a larger role in controlling how plants absorb micronutrients

By Mariah Cox | Bond LSC How do plants take up and use iron? For David Mendoza, a scientist at Bond Life Sciences Center, it’s not an inconsequential question. He works to decipher the answer in an effort to better fortify the food we eat. “We need to understand how plants accumulate iron,” Mendoza said.…

#IAmScience Amith Reddy

#IAmScience Amith Reddy

Mariah Cox | Bond LSC Amith Reddy has been in academia for some time and doesn’t plan to leave anytime soon. With two master’s degrees under his belt, Reddy is only a few months away from completing his Ph.D. in plant sciences. Reddy began his secondary education career in India where he spent most of…

#IAmScience Yul Eum Song

#IAmScience Yul Eum Song

By Danielle Pycior | Bond LSC As an undergraduate student, Yul Eum Song had experiences that put her on a path to help create change. Now as an experienced and educated doctoral researcher, she studies the mechanisms of retroviruses in the lab of Bond LSC’s Marc Johnson, and she continues to love science and the…

B TrCP protein required for HIV to hide in host cells

B TrCP protein required for HIV to hide in host cells

Researchers are one step closer to understanding HIV By Danielle Pycior | Bond LSC Usually, the human immune system is good at recognizing infected cells and then killing them, but in the case of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus has ways to hide.  One of the ways is by using a viral protein…

#IAmScience Frank Baker

#IAmScience Frank Baker

By Danielle Pycior | Bond Life Sciences Center With eyes wide open, glued to metal tubes, researchers from across the University of Missouri’s campus are searching for answers that are unseeable to the unequipped human eye. The Molecular Cytology Core is a resource for anyone to come and further understand their research. The Core’s Imaging…

What makes us trust science?

What makes us trust science?

Mariah Cox | Bond LSC When Simine Vazire began teaching undergraduate research methods she focused on its difference from pseudo-science or nonscience, the value of the scientific method and the notion that science is self-correcting. However, it became harder for her to teach that lesson with a clear conscience as she began to grapple with…

#IAmScience Ashley Meyer

#IAmScience Ashley Meyer

Mariah Cox | Bond LSC Situated in the Bond Life Sciences Center is an almost empty research lab on the fourth floor, which to some may look like an end but is really just a new beginning. Inside you may find a few boxes of gloves, a stack of brightly colored test tube racks and…

The start of an academic relationship

The start of an academic relationship

Joint recruitment weekend welcomes prospective grad students to MU family By Danielle Pycior | Bond LSC As laughter and conversation began to fill the hall with the arrival of graduate students from across the country, new relationships began to form. Entering its 10th year, the annual Graduate Life Sciences Joint Recruitment Weekend continues a unique…