Ron Mittler
My research interests are focused on the role Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) play in the regulation of different biological processes. As model organisms I use Arabidopsis thaliana plants and human epithelial breast cancer cells because they provide an ideal platform for the questions I am interested in. My approach to research is to focus on questions that are biologically important (and fundable), and to address them using a comprehensive approach of molecular genetics, biochemistry, structural biology, physiology, biophysics, chemistry, bioinformatics, omics and systems biology. I strive to obtain a deep understanding of the biological process in question by making predictions, generating models, and integrating data from different platforms, as well as by using different mutants and imaging tools to test my hypotheses. I collaborate with different computational biologists (e.g., Jose’ Onuchic), bioinformaticians (e.g., Rajeev Azad), and biostatisticians (e.g., Karen Schlauch), as well as with different plant physiology (e.g., Eduardo Blumwald) and cancer (e.g., Eli Pikarski) experts, and chemists (e.g., Itamar Willner). To me, the ultimate reward in science is to find out how all the pieces of the scientific puzzle fit together to provide an answer to the working hypothesis (or change it if not…). Some of the important contributions I made so far include the discovery of the ROS wave and the important role it plays in systemic responses in plants, the establishment of the abiotic stress combination research field in plants and the different findings I made regarding the response of plants to a combination of two different stresses, and the definition of the ROS gene network of Arabidopsis that was followed by the characterization of different mutants involved in this network. In recent years I have also begun to address the common pathways and genes that regulate ROS and iron metabolism in plant and animal cells, and to focus on rapid responses at the transcriptome and metabolome level that accompany abiotic stress responses. One of the most interesting findings that emerged from these studies was the discovery that the 2Fe-2S protein NAF-1 plays a key role in regulating cellular proliferation and tolerance to oxidative stress in human epithelial breast cancer cells and tumors. Below I outline the three main projects underway in my laboratory.
1. The ROS Wave and Ultrafast Omics Responses to Abiotic Stress
Systemic signaling pathways enable multicellular organisms to prepare all of their tissues and cells to an upcoming challenge that may initially only be sensed by a few local cells. They are activated in plants in response to different stimuli including mechanical injury, pathogen infection, and abiotic stresses. Key to the mobilization of systemic signals in higher plants are cell-to-cell communication events that have thus far been mostly unstudied. My recent discovery of systemically propagating reactive oxygen species (ROS) waves in plants has unraveled a new and exciting cell-to-cell communication pathway that, together with calcium and electric signals, could provide a working model to how plant cells transmit long-distance signals via cell-to-cell communication mechanisms. My study of rapid systemic signaling has also focused my attention on rapid local responses to stress and on the cross talk between ROS, ABA and stomatal responses. These have brought me to formulate another hypothesis on plant systemic responses called the leaf autonomous response pathway. Supported by IOS-1353886 and IOS-1063287.
2. Stress Combination
Abiotic stress is the primary cause of crop loss worldwide, with losses in the US estimated at 14-19 billion dollars each year. While abiotic stress is routinely studied in plants by applying a single stress condition such as drought, salinity or heat, this type of analysis does not reflect the conditions that occur in the field or in nature in which crops and plants are subjected to a combination of different stresses (e.g., drought and heat). Because abiotic stress combinations had the outmost devastating economical and sociological impacts on the US, with losses of 48.4 and 61.6 billion dollars in 1980 and 1988 respectively, and because these extreme weather events are likely to increase in frequency due to global warming, the development of transgenic crops with improved tolerance to abiotic stress combinations is a highly important goal that would provide a promising avenue to reduce yield losses and secure food supply for our growing population. My initial studies into abiotic stress combinations in plants demonstrated that the response of plants to a combination of two different stresses is unique and cannot be directly extrapolated from the response of plants to each of the different stresses applied individually. I have also identified several key regulatory proteins required for the acclimation of plants to stress combinations. I am currently working towards the identification of important regulatory networks that mediate the acclimation of plants to abiotic stress combinations, as well as towards the development of plants and crops with enhanced tolerance to stress combination. Supported by IOS-0820188.
3. Regulation of Cell Survival and Death Pathways by Fe-S Proteins
Maintaining iron and reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis is essential for cellular proliferation, stress responses, and the regulation of cell survival and death pathways in plant and animal cells. The recent discovery of a novel group of Fe-S containing proteins with a redox-sensitive labile 2Fe-2S cluster in plant and animal cells (NEET proteins), provides one of the first links between the regulation of iron levels and ROS homeostasis in cells. Our studies show that the function of NEET proteins is both ancient and essential for proper iron/ROS/Fe-S mobilization in cells. We propose that NEET proteins use their redox-active labile clusters to sense the levels of ROS/redox in cells, and depending on these levels they either promote cellular proliferation, or trigger the activation of apoptosis and autophagy. We recently discovered that the degree of lability of the NEET’s 2Fe-2S clusters and their overall protein levels in cells are crucial for making this decision, and have shown using different mutants and other molecular tools that cancer cells that accumulate high levels of wild type NEET proteins (but not mutant NEET proteins with a high cluster stability) are protected from oxidative stress and can proliferate faster. Our findings establish a key role for NEET protein overexpression in promoting the tumorigenicity of breast cancer cells. Furthermore, they provide a mechanistic foundation for the role of NEET overexpression in multiple cancer types, including breast, prostate, gastric, cervical, liver, and laryngeal cancers. We are currently working toward developing different therapies (drugs, peptides), as well as different delivery methods (nanoparticles) that will target the stability of the 2Fe-2S cluster of NEET proteins, thereby alter the redox/ROS levels of cells. These would be applicable not only for the treatment of different cancers that rely on high expression levels of NEET proteins for their proliferation, but also for the treatment of diabetes and certain neurodegenerative diseases that have also been linked to NEET protein overexpression. Supported by MCB-1613462 and IOS-1557787; proposals pending with NIH.
News about Ron Mittler
ROS are evolutionary conserved cell-to-cell stress signals. Fichman, Yosef ; Rowland, Linda ; Oliver, Melvin J. ; Mittler, Ron. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Volume 120, Issue 31.
Date published:
August 1, 2023
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Ron Mittler.
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Differential transpiration between pods and leaves during stress combination in soybean. Sinha, Ranjita a; Shostak, Benjamin a; Induri, Sai Preethi b; Sen, Sidharth c; Zandalinas, Sara I. d; Joshi, Trupti b, c, e; Fritschi, Felix B. a; Mittler, Ron a, f. Plant physiology; Volume 192, Issue 2, Pages 753 - 766.
Date published:
May 31, 2023
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Ron Mittler.
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Phytochrome B regulates reactive oxygen signaling during abiotic and biotic stress in plants. Fichman Y, Xiong H, Sengupta S, Morrow J, Loog H, Azad R K, Hibberd J M, Liscum E, Mittler R. New Phytologist; Volume 237, Issue 5, Pages 1711 - 1727.
Date published:
March 1, 2023
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Ron Mittler.
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Jasmonic acid and salicylic acid modulate systemic reactive oxygen species signaling during stress responses. Myers R J, Fichman Y, Zandalinas S I, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; Volume 191, Issue 2, Pages 862 - 873.
Date published:
February 1, 2023
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Ron Mittler.
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Live Whole-Plant Detection of Rapidly Accumulating Reactive Oxygen Species Following Applied Stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Myers R J, Zandalinas S I, Mittler R. Methods in Molecular Biology; Volume 2642, Pages 387 - 401.
Date published:
January 1, 2023
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Ron Mittler.
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The transcriptome of soybean reproductive tissues subjected to water deficit, heat stress, and a combination of water deficit and heat stress. Sinha, Ranjita ; Induri, Sai Preethi ; Peláez-Vico, María Ángeles ; Tukuli, Adama ; Shostak, Benjamin ; Zandalinas, Sara I. ; Joshi, Trupti ; Fritschi, Felix B. ; Mittler, Ron. Plant Journal; .
Date published:
January 1, 2023
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Ron Mittler.
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Visualization of Molecular Permeation into a Multi-compartment Phospholipid Vesicle. Neumann, Ehud ; Sohn, Yang Sung ; Povilaitis, Sydney C. ; Cardenas, Alfredo E. ; Mittler, Ron ; Friedler, Assaf ; Webb, Lauren J. ; Nechushtai, Rachel ; Elber, Ron. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; Pages 6349 - 6354.
Date published:
January 1, 2023
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Ron Mittler.
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An anti-diabetic drug targets NEET (CISD) proteins through destabilization of their [2Fe-2S] clusters. Marjault, Henri-Baptiste; Karmi, Ola; Zuo, Ke; Michaeli, Dorit; Eisenberg-Domovich, Yael; Rossetti, Giluilia; de Chassey, Benoit;Vonderscher, Jacky; Cabantchik, Ioav; Carloni, Paolo; Mittler, Ron; Livnah, Oded; Meldrum, Eric; Nechushtai, Rachel. Communications Biology; Volume 5, Issue 1.
Date published:
December 1, 2022
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Ron Mittler.
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Aboveground plant-to-plant electrical signaling mediates network acquired acclimation. Szechyńska-Hebda, Magdalena; Lewandowska, Maria; Witoń, Damian; Fichman, Yosef; Mittler, Ron; Karpiński, Stanisław M. Plant Cell; Volume 34, Issue 8, Pages 3047 - 3065.
Date published:
August 1, 2022
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Ron Mittler.
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Differential regulation of flower transpiration during abiotic stress in annual plants. Sinha, Ranjita, Zandalians, Sara I., Fichman, Yosef, Sen, Sidharth, Zeng,Shuai, Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio, Joshi, Trupti, Fritschi, Felix B, Mittler, Ron. New Phytologist; Volume 235, Issue 2, Pages 611 - 629.
Date published:
July 1, 2022
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Ron Mittler,
Trupti Joshi.
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Extracellular ATP plays an important role in systemic wound response activation. Myers, Ronald J; Fichman, Yosef; Stacey, Gary; Mittler, Ron. Plant Physiology; Volume 189, Issue 3, Pages 1314 - 1325.
Date published:
July 1, 2022
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Gary Stacey,
Ron Mittler.
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Plant responses to multifactorial stress combination. Zandalinas S, Mittler R. New Phytologist; Volume 234, Issue 4, Pages 1161 - 1167.
Date published:
March 12, 2022
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Ron Mittler.
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Combination of antioxidant enzyme overexpression and n-acetylcysteine treatment enhances the survival of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells in ischemic limb in mice with type 2 diabetes. Zhu Q.,Hao H.,Xu H., Fichman Y., Cui Y., Yang C. , Wang M., Mittler R., Hill M.A., Cowan P.J., Zhang G., He X., Zhou S. , Liu Z.. Journal of the American Heart Association; Volume 10, Issue 19.
Date published:
October 5, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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The impact of stress combination on reproductive processes in crops. Sinha R, Fritschi FB, Zandalinas SI, Mittler R. Plant Science; 311:111007.
Date published:
October 1, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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A combined drug treatment that reduces mitochondrial iron and reactive oxygen levels recovers insulin secretion in NAF-1-deficient pancreatic cells. Karmi O, Sohn Y-S, Marjault H-B, Israeli T, Leibowitz G, Ionnidis K, Nahmias Y, Mittler R, Cabantchik IZ, Nechushtai R. Antioxidants; 10(8):1160.
Date published:
August 1, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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Vascular and nonvascular transmission of systemic reactive oxygen signals during wounding and heat stress. Zandalinas SI, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 186(3):1721-1733.
Date published:
July 1, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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Integration of electric, calcium, reactive oxygen species and hydraulic signals during rapid systemic signaling in plants. Fichman Y, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 107(1):7-20.
Date published:
July 1, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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Global Warming, Climate Change, and Environmental Pollution: Recipe for a Multifactorial Stress Combination Disaster. Zandalinas SI, Fritschi FB, Mittler R. Trends in Plant Science; 26(6):588-599.
Date published:
June 1, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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The impact of water deficit and heat stress combination on the molecular response, physiology, and seed production of soybean. Cohen I, Zandalinas SI, Fritschi FB, Sengupta S, Fichman Y, Azad RK, Mittler R. Physiologia Plantarum; 172(1):41-52.
Date published:
May 1, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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The impact of multifactorial stress combination on plant growth and survival. Zandalinas SI, Sengupta S, Fritschi FB, Azad RK, Nechushtai R, Mittler R. New Phytologist; 230(3):1034-1048.
Date published:
May 1, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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Plasmodesmata-localized proteins and ROS orchestrate light-induced rapid systemic signaling in Arabidopsis. Fichman Y, Myers RJ Jr, Grant DG, Mittler R. Science Signaling; 14(671):eabf0322.
Date published:
February 23, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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The mitochondrial localized CISD-3.1/CISD-3.2 proteins are required to maintain normal germline structure and function in Caenorhabditis elegans. King SD, Gray CF, Song L, Mittler R, Padilla PA. PLoS ONE; 16(2):e0245174.
Date published:
February 1, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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Meta-analysis of drought and heat stress combination impact on crop yield and yield components. Cohen I, Zandalinas SI, Huck C, Fritschi FB, Mittler R. Physiologia Plantarum; 171(1):66-76.
Date published:
January 1, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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Integration of reactive oxygen species and hormone signaling during abiotic stress. Devireddy AR, Zandalinas SI, Fichman Y, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 105(2):459-476.
Date published:
January 1, 2021
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Ron Mittler.
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Phytochrome B is required for systemic stomatal responses and reactive oxygen species signaling during light stress. Devireddy AR, Liscum E, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 184(3):1563-1572.
Date published:
November 3, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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The balancing act of NEET proteins: Iron, ROS, calcium and metabolism. Nechushtai R, Karmi O, Zuo K, Marjault H-B, Darash-Yahana M, Sohn Y-S, King SD, Zandalinas SI, Carloni P, Mittler R. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research; 1867(11):118805.
Date published:
November 1, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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High temperatures modify plant responses to abiotic stress conditions. Balfagón D, Zandalinas SI, Mittler R, Gómez-Cadenas A. Physiologia Plantarum; 170(3):335-344.
Date published:
November 1, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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Vascular bundles mediate systemic reactive oxygen signaling during light stress. Zandalinas SI, Fichman Y, Mittler R. Plant Cell; 32(11):3425-3435.
Date published:
November 1, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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MYB30 orchestrates systemic reactive oxygen signaling and plant acclimation. Fichman Y, Zandalinas SI, Sengupta S, Burks D, Myers RJ Jr, Azad RK, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 184(2):666-675.
Date published:
October 1, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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Noninvasive Live ROS Imaging of Whole Plants Grown in Soil. Fichman Y, Mittler R. Trends in Plant Science; 25(10):1052-1053.
Date published:
October 1, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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FMO1 Is Involved in Excess Light Stress-Induced Signal Transduction and Cell Death Signaling. Czarnocka W, Fichman Y, Bernacki M, Różańska E, Sańko-Sawczenko I, Mittler R, Karpiński S. Cells; 9(10).
Date published:
September 24, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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Coordinated systemic stomatal responses in soybean. Zandalinas SI, Cohen IH, Fritschi FB, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 183(4):1428-1431.
Date published:
August 1, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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Untangling the ties that bind different systemic signals in plants. Fichman Y, Zandalinas SI, Mittler R. Science Signaling; 13(640):eabb9505.
Date published:
July 14, 2020
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Systemic signaling during abiotic stress combination in plants. Zandalinas SI, Fichman Y, Devireddy AR, Sengupta S, Azad RK, Mittler R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 117(24):13810-13820.
Date published:
June 16, 2020
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Rapid systemic signaling during abiotic and biotic stresses: is the ROS wave master of all trades?. Fichman Y, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 102(5):887-896.
Date published:
June 1, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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Signal transduction networks during stress combination. Zandalinas SI, Fritschi FB, Mittler R. Journal of Experimental Botany; 71(5):1734-1741.
Date published:
March 12, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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Plant signaling in biotic and abiotic stress. Peck S, Mittler R. Journal of Experimental Botany; 71(5):1649-1651.
Date published:
March 12, 2020
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Scott Peck,
Ron Mittler.
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Expression of a dominant-negative AtNEET-H89C protein disrupts iron–sulfur metabolism and iron homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Zandalinas SI, Song L, Sengupta S, McInturf SA, Grant DG, Marjault H-B, Castro-Guerrero NA, Burks D, Azad RK, Mendoza-Cozatl DG, Nechushtai R, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 101(5):1152-169.
Date published:
March 1, 2020
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David Mendoza-Cózatl,
Ron Mittler.
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Using Tomato Recombinant Lines to Improve Plant Tolerance to Stress Combination Through a More Efficient Nitrogen Metabolism. Lopez-Delacalle M, Camejo DM, García-Martí M, Nortes PA, Nieves-Cordones M, Martínez V, Rubio F, Mittler R, Rivero RM. Frontiers in Plant Science; 10:1702.
Date published:
January 17, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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Coordinated and rapid whole-plant systemic stomatal responses. Devireddy AR, Arbogast J, Mittler R. New Phytologist; 225(1):21-25.
Date published:
January 1, 2020
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Ron Mittler.
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4-Coumarate 3-hydroxylase in the lignin biosynthesis pathway is a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase. Barros J, Escamilla-Trevino L, Song L, Rao X, Serrani-Yarce JC, Palacios MD, Engle N, Choudhury FK, Tschaplinski TJ, Venables BJ, Mittler R, Dixon RA. Nature Communications; 10(1):1994.
Date published:
December 1, 2019
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Jasmonic acid is required for plant acclimation to a combination of high light and heat stress. Balfagón D, Sengupta S, Gómez-Cadenas A, Fritschi FB, Azad RK, Mittler R, Zandalinasc SI. Plant Physiology; 181(4):1668-1682.
Date published:
October 8, 2019
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Redox-dependent gating of VDAC by mitoNEET. Lipper CH, Stofleth JT, Bai F, Sohn Y-S, Roy S, Mittler R, Nechushtai R, Onuchic JN, Jennings PA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 116(40):19924-19929.
Date published:
October 1, 2019
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Ron Mittler.
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Whole-Plant Live Imaging of Reactive Oxygen Species. Fichman Y, Miller G, Mittler R. Molecular Plant; 12(9):1203-1210.
Date published:
September 2, 2019
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Ron Mittler.
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Biotechnological potential of LSD1, EDS1, and PAD4 in the improvement of crops and industrial plants. Bernacki MJ, Czarnocka W, Szechyńska-Hebda M, Mittler R, Karpiński S. Plants; 8(8):290.
Date published:
August 1, 2019
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Identification and characterization of a core set of ROS wave-associated transcripts involved in the systemic acquired acclimation response of Arabidopsis to excess light. Zandalinas SI, Sengupta S, Burks D, Azad RK, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 98(1):126-141.
Date published:
April 1, 2019
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NEET Proteins: A new link between iron metabolism, reactive oxygen species, and cancer. Mittler R, Darash-Yahana M, Sohn YS, Bai F, Song L, Cabantchik IZ, Jennings PA, Onuchic JN, Nechushtai R. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling; 30(8):1083-1095.
Date published:
February 1, 2019
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Editorial. Rivero RM, Oliver MJ, Mittler R. Physiologia Plantarum; 165(2):125-127.
Date published:
February 1, 2019
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Ron Mittler.
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The cisd gene family regulates physiological germline apoptosis through ced-13 and the canonical cell death pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans. King SD, Gray CF, Song L, Nechushtai R, Gumienny TL, Mittler R, Padilla PA. Cell Death and Differentiation; 26(1):162-178.
Date published:
January 1, 2019
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Rapid Responses to Abiotic Stress: Priming the Landscape for the Signal Transduction Network. Kollist H, Zandalinas SI, Sengupta S, Nuhkat M, Kangasjärvi J, Mittler R. Trends in Plant Science; 24(1):25-37.
Date published:
January 1, 2019
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Phylogenetic analysis of the CDGSH iron-sulfur binding domain reveals its ancient origin. Sengupta S, Nechushtai R, Jennings PA, Onuchic JN, Padilla PA, Azad RK, Mittler R. Scientific Reports; 8(1):4840.
Date published:
December 1, 2018
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Local and systemic metabolic responses during light-induced rapid systemic signaling. Choudhury FK, Devireddy AR, Azad RK, Shulaev V, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 178(4):1461-1472.
Date published:
December 1, 2018
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Ron Mittler.
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The anti-apoptotic proteins NAF-1 and iASPP interact to drive apoptosis in cancer cells. Iosub-Amir A, Bai F, Sohn Y-S, Song L, Tamir S, Marjault H-B, Mayer G, Karmi O, Jennings PA, Mittler R, Onuchic JN, Friedler A, Nechushtai R. Chemical Science; 10(3):665-673.
Date published:
November 20, 2018
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Rapid Accumulation of Glutathione During Light Stress in Arabidopsis. Choudhury FK, Devireddy AR, Azad RK, Shulaev V, Mittler R. Plant and Cell Physiology; 59(9):1817-1826.
Date published:
September 1, 2018
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ROS-induced ROS release in plant and animal cells. Zandalinas SI, Mittler R. Free Radical Biology and Medicine; 122:21-27.
Date published:
July 1, 2018
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The unique fold and lability of the [2Fe-2S] clusters of NEET proteins mediate their key functions in health and disease. Karmi O, Marjault H-B, Pesce L, Carloni P, Onuchic JN, Jennings PA, Mittler R, Nechushtai R. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry; 23(4):599-612.
Date published:
June 1, 2018
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Tolerance to stress combination in tomato plants: New insights in the protective role of melatonin. Martinez V, Nieves-Cordones M, Lopez-Delacalle M, Rodenas R, Mestre TC, Garcia-Sanchez F, Rubio F, Nortes PA, Mittler R, Rivero RM. Molecules; 23(3):535.
Date published:
February 28, 2018
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Ron Mittler.
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Coordinating the overall stomatal response of plants: Rapid leaf-to-leaf communication during light stress. Devireddy AR, Zandalinas SI, Gómez-Cadenas A, Blumwald E, Mittler R. Science Signaling; 11(518):eaam9514.
Date published:
February 20, 2018
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Plant adaptations to the combination of drought and high temperatures. Zandalinas SI, Mittler R, Balfagón D, Arbona V, Gómez-Cadenas A. Physiologia Plantarum; 162(1):2-12.
Date published:
January 1, 2018
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Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the [2Fe-2S] Cluster-Binding Domain of NEET Proteins Reveal Key Molecular Determinants That Induce Their Cluster Transfer/Release. Pesce L, Calandrini V, Marjault H-B, Lipper CH, Rossetti G, Mittler R, Jennings PA, Bauer A, Nechushtai R, Carloni P. Journal of Physical Chemistry B; 121(47):10648-10656.
Date published:
November 30, 2017
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Reactive oxygen species, abiotic stress and stress combination. Choudhury FK, Rivero RM, Blumwald E, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 90(5):856-867.
Date published:
June 1, 2017
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Ron Mittler.
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Orchestrating rapid long-distance signaling in plants with Ca2+, ROS and electrical signals. Choi W-G, Miller G, Wallace I, Harper J, Mittler R, Gilroy S. Plant Journal; 90(4):698-707.
Date published:
May 1, 2017
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Interactions between mito NEET and NAF-1 in cells. Karmi O, Holt SH, Song L, Tamir S, Luo Y, Bai F, Adenwalla A, Darash-Yahana M, Sohn Y-S, Jennings PA, Azad RK, Onuchic JN, Morcos F, Nechushtai R, Mittler R. PLoS ONE; 12(4):e0175796.
Date published:
April 1, 2017
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Phylogenetic analysis of eukaryotic NEET proteins uncovers a link between a key gene duplication event and the evolution of vertebrates. Inupakutika MA, Sengupta S, Nechushtai R, Jennings PA, Onuchic JN, Azad RK, Padilla P, Mittler R. Scientific Reports; 7:42571.
Date published:
February 16, 2017
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Evidence for the involvement of electrical, calcium and ROS signaling in the systemic regulation of non-photochemical quenching and photosynthesis. Białasek M, Górecka M, Mittler R, Karpiński S. Plant and Cell Physiology; 58(2):207-215.
Date published:
February 1, 2017
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Structure of the human monomeric NEET protein MiNT and its role in regulating iron and reactive oxygen species in cancer cells. Lipper CH, Karmi O, Sohn YS, Darash-Yahana M, Lammert H, Song L, Liu A, Mittler R, Nechushtai R, Onuchic JN, Jennings PA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 115(2):272-277.
Date published:
January 9, 2017
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Ron Mittler.
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ROS Are Good. Mittler R. Trends in Plant Science; 22(1):11-19.
Date published:
January 1, 2017
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Ron Mittler.
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The evolution of reactive oxygen species metabolism. Inupakutika MA, Sengupta S, Devireddy AR, Azad RK, Mittler R. Journal of Experimental Botany; 67(21):5933-5943.
Date published:
November 1, 2016
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Ron Mittler.
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GLP-1-RA corrects mitochondrial labile iron accumulation and improves β-cell function in type 2 wolfram syndrome. Danielpur L, Sohn Y-S, Karmi O, Fogel C, Zinger A, Abu-Libdeh A, Israeli T, Riahi Y, Pappo O, Birk R, Zangen DH, Mittler R, Cabantchik Z-I, Cerasi E, Nechushtai R, Leibowitz G. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism; 101(10):3592-3599.
Date published:
October 1, 2016
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Ron Mittler.
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ABA is required for the accumulation of APX1 and MBF1c during a combination of water deficit and heat stress. Zandalinas SI, Balfagón D, Arbona V, Gómez-Cadenas A, Inupakutika MA, Mittler R. Journal of Experimental Botany; 67(18):5381-5390.
Date published:
October 1, 2016
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Ron Mittler.
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Breast cancer tumorigenicity is dependent on high expression levels of NAF-1 and the lability of its Fe-S clusters. Darash-Yahana M, Pozniak Y, Lu M, Sohn Y-S, Karmi O, Tamir S, Bai F, Song L, Jennings PA, Pikarsky E, Geiger T, Onuchic JN, Mittler R, Nechushtai R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 113(39):10890-10895.
Date published:
September 27, 2016
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Ron Mittler.
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ROS, calcium, and electric signals: Key mediators of rapid systemic signaling in plants. Gilroy S, Białasek M, Suzuki N, Górecka M, Devireddy AR, Karpiński S, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 171(3):1606-1615.
Date published:
July 1, 2016
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Ron Mittler.
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Recent progress in understanding the role of reactive oxygen species in plant cell signaling. Dietz K-J, Mittler R, Noctor G. Plant Physiology; 171(3):1535-1539.
Date published:
July 1, 2016
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Ron Mittler.
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Accumulation of flavonols over hydroxycinnamic acids favors oxidative damage protection under abiotic stress. Martinez V, Mestre TC, Rubio F, Girones-Vilaplana A, Moreno DA, Mittler R, Rivero RM. Frontiers in Plant Science; 7(JUNE2016):838.
Date published:
June 15, 2016
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Ron Mittler.
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Evaluation of a custom single Peltier-cooled ablation cell for elemental imaging of biological samples in laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Hamilton JS, Gorishek EL, Mach PM, Sturtevant D, Ladage ML, Suzuki N, Padilla PA, Mittler R, Chapman KD, Verbeck GF. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry; 31(4):1030-1033.
Date published:
April 1, 2016
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Ron Mittler.
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Activation of apoptosis in NAF-1-deficient human epithelial breast cancer cells. Holt SH, Darash-Yahana M, Sohn YS, Song L, Karmi O, Tamir S, Michaeli D, Luo Y, Paddock ML, Jennings PA, Onuchic JN, Azad RK, Pikarsky E, Cabantchik IZ, Nechushtai R, Mittler R. Journal of Cell Science; 129(1):155-165.
Date published:
January 1, 2016
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Ron Mittler.
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ABA is required for plant acclimation to a combination of salt and heat stress. Suzuki N, Bassil E, Hamilton JS, Inupakutika MA, Zandalinas SI, Tripathy D, Luo Y, Dion E, Fukui G, Kumazaki A, Nakano R, Rivero RM, Verbeck GF, Azad RK, Blumwald E, Mittler R. PLoS ONE; 11(1):0147625.
Date published:
January 1, 2016
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Ron Mittler.
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Ultra-fast alterations in mRNA levels uncover multiple players in light stress acclimation in plants. Suzuki N, Devireddy AR, Inupakutika MA, Baxter A, Miller G, Song L, Shulaev E, Azad RK, Shulaev V, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 84(4):760-772.
Date published:
November 1, 2015
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Cancer-related NEET proteins transfer 2Fe-2S clusters to anamorsin, a protein required for cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis. Lipper CH, Paddock ML, Onuchic JN, Mittler R, Nechushtai R, Jennings PA. PLoS ONE; 10(10):e0139699.
Date published:
October 8, 2015
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Structure-function analysis of NEET proteins uncovers their role as key regulators of iron and ROS homeostasis in health and disease. Tamir S, Paddock ML, Darash-Yahana-Baram M, Holt SH, Sohn YS, Agranat L, Michaeli D, Stofleth JT, Lipper CH, Morcos F, Cabantchik IZ, Onuchic JN, Jennings PA, Mittler R, Nechushtai R. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research; 1853(6):1294-1315.
Date published:
June 1, 2015
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The Fe-S cluster-containing NEET proteins mitoNEET and NAF-1 as chemotherapeutic targets in breast cancer. Bai F, Morcos F, Sohn Y-S, Darash-Yahana M, Rezende CO, Lipper CH, Paddock ML, Song L, Luo Y, Holt SH, Tamir S, Theodorakis EA, Jennings PA, Onuchic JN, Mittler R, Nechushtai R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 112(12):3698-3703.
Date published:
March 24, 2015
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The roles of ROS and ABA in systemic acquired acclimation. Mittler R, Blumwald E. Plant Cell; 27(1):64-70.
Date published:
January 20, 2015
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Ron Mittler.
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A tidal wave of signals: Calcium and ROS at the forefront of rapid systemic signaling. Gilroy S, Suzuki N, Miller G, Choi W-G, Toyota M, Devireddy AR, Mittler R. Trends in Plant Science; 19(10):623-630.
Date published:
October 1, 2014
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Ron Mittler.
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Interview with Ron Mittler. Mittler R. Trends in Plant Science; 19(10):611-612.
Date published:
October 1, 2014
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Ron Mittler.
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Abiotic and biotic stress combinations. Suzuki N, Rivero RM, Shulaev V, Blumwald E, Mittler R. New Phytologist; 203(1):32-43.
Date published:
July 1, 2014
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Ron Mittler.
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A point mutation in the [2Fe-2S] cluster binding region of the NAF-1 protein (H114C) dramatically hinders the cluster donor properties. Tamir S, Eisenberg-Domovich Y, Conlan AR, Stofleth JT, Lipper CH, Paddock ML, Mittler R, Jennings PA, Livnah O, Nechushtai R. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography; 70(6):1572-1578.
Date published:
June 1, 2014
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Ron Mittler.
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The combined effect of salinity and heat reveals a specific physiological, biochemical and molecular response in tomato plants. Rivero RM, Mestre TC, Mittler R, Rubio F, Garcia-Sanchez F, Martinez V. Plant, Cell and Environment; 37(5):1059-1073.
Date published:
May 1, 2014
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Ron Mittler.
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Integrated strategy reveals the protein interface between cancer targets Bcl-2 and NAF-1. Tamir S, Rotem-Bamberger S, Katz C, Morcos F, Hailey KL, Zuris JA, Wang C, Conlan AR, Lipper CH, Paddock ML, Mittler R, Onuchicc JN, Jennings PA, Friedler A, Nechushtai R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 111(14):5177-5182.
Date published:
April 8, 2014
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Ron Mittler.
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ROS as key players in plant stress signalling. Baxter A, Mittler R, Suzuki N. Journal of Experimental Botany; 65(5):1229-1240.
Date published:
March 1, 2014
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NAF-1 and mitoNEET are central to human breast cancer proliferation by maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis and promoting tumor growth. Sohn Y-S, Tamir S, Song L, Michaeli D, Matouk I, Conlan AR, Harir Y, Holt SH, Shulaev V, Paddock ML, Hochberg A, Cabanchick IZ, Onuchic JN, Jennings PA, Nechushtai R, Mittler R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 110(36):14676-14681.
Date published:
September 3, 2013
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Ron Mittler.
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Temporal-spatial interaction between reactive oxygen species and abscisic acid regulates rapid systemic acclimation in plants. Suzuki N, Miller G, Salazar C, Mondal HA, Shulaev E, Cortes DF, Shuman JL, Luo X, Shah J, Schlauch K, Shulaev V, Mittler R. Plant Cell; 25(9):3553-3569.
Date published:
September 1, 2013
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Ron Mittler.
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Linking genes of unknown function with abiotic stress responses by high-throughput phenotype screening. Luhua S, Hegie A, Suzuki N, Shulaev E, Luo X, Cenariu D, Ma V, Kao S, Lim J, Gunay MB, Oosumi T, Lee SC, Harper J, Cushman J, Gollery M, Girke T, Bailey-Serres J, Stevenson RA, Zhu J-K, Mittler R. Physiologia Plantarum; 148(3):322-333.
Date published:
July 1, 2013
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Functional genomics, challenges and perspectives for the future. Mittler R, Shulaev V. Physiologia Plantarum; 148(3):317-321.
Date published:
July 1, 2013
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Ron Mittler.
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Nutrient-Deprivation Autophagy Factor-1 (NAF-1): Biochemical Properties of a Novel Cellular Target for Anti-Diabetic Drugs. Tamir S, Zuris JA, Agranat L, Lipper CH, Conlan AR, Michaeli D, Harir Y, Paddock ML, Mittler R, Cabantchik ZI, Jennings PA, Nechushtai R. PLoS ONE; 8(5):e61202.
Date published:
May 22, 2013
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Ron Mittler.
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Elemental Concentrations in the Seed of Mutants and Natural Variants of Arabidopsis thaliana Grown under Varying Soil Conditions. McDowell SC, Akmakjian G, Sladek C, Mendoza-Cozatl D, Morrissey JB, Saini N, Mittler R, Baxter I, Salt DE, Ward JM, Schroeder JI, Guerinot ML, Harper JF. PLoS ONE; 8(5):e63014.
Date published:
May 6, 2013
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David Mendoza-Cózatl,
Ron Mittler.
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A cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (CNGC16) in pollen is critical for stress tolerance in pollen reproductive development. Tunc-Ozdemir M, Tang C, Ishka MR, Brown E, Groves NR, Myers CT, Rato C, Poulsen LR, McDowell S, Miller G, Mittler R, Harper JF. Plant Physiology; 161(2):1010-1020.
Date published:
February 1, 2013
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Ron Mittler.
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Enhanced seed production under prolonged heat stress conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana plants deficient in cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 2. Suzuki N, Miller G, Sejima H, Harper J, Mittler R. Journal of Experimental Botany; 64(1):253-263.
Date published:
January 1, 2013
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Ron Mittler.
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Reactive oxygen species-dependent wound responses in animals and plants. Suzuki N, Mittler R. Free Radical Biology and Medicine; 53(12):2269-2276.
Date published:
December 15, 2012
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Ron Mittler.
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Characterization of Arabidopsis NEET reveals an ancient role for NEET proteins in iron metabolism. Nechushtai R, Conlan AR, Harir Y, Song L, Yogev O, Eisenberg-Domovich Y, Livnah O, Michaeli D, Rosen R, Ma V, Luo Y, Zuris JA, Paddock ML, Cabantchik ZI, Jennings PA, Mittler R. Plant Cell; 24(5):2139-2154.
Date published:
May 1, 2012
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Ron Mittler.
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How do plants feel the heat?. Mittler R, Finka A, Goloubinoff P. Trends in Biochemical Sciences; 37(3):118-125.
Date published:
March 1, 2012
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ROS and redox signalling in the response of plants to abiotic stress. Suzuki N, Koussevitzky S, Mittler R, Miller G. Plant, Cell and Environment; 35(2):259-270.
Date published:
February 1, 2012
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Ron Mittler.
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Respiratory burst oxidases: The engines of ROS signaling. Suzuki N, Miller G, Morales J, Shulaev V, Torres MA, Mittler R. Current Opinion in Plant Biology; 14(6):691-699.
Date published:
December 1, 2011
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Ron Mittler.
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Facile transfer of [2Fe-2S] clusters from the diabetes drug target mitoNEET to an apo-acceptor protein. Zuris JA, Harir Y, Conlan AR, Shvartsman M, Michaeli D, Tamir S, Paddock ML, Onuchic JN, Mittler R, Cabantchik ZI, Jennings PA, Nechushtai R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 108(32):13047-13052.
Date published:
August 9, 2011
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Ron Mittler.
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ROS signaling: The new wave?. Mittler R, Vanderauwera S, Suzuki N, Miller G, Tognetti VB, Vandepoele K, Gollery M, Shulaev V, Van Breusegem F. Trends in Plant Science; 16(6):300-309.
Date published:
June 1, 2011
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Ron Mittler.
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Identification of the MBF1 heat-response regulon of Arabidopsis thaliana. Suzuki N, Sejima H, Tam R, Schlauch K, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 66(5):844-851.
Date published:
June 1, 2011
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Ron Mittler.
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The genome of woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca). Shulaev V, Sargent DJ, Crowhurst RN, Mockler TC, Folkerts O, Delcher AL, Jaiswal P, Mockaitis K, Liston A, Mane SP, Burns P, Davis TM, Slovin JP, Bassil N, Hellens RP, Evans C, Harkins T, Kodira C, Desany B, Crasta OR, Jensen RV, Allan AC, Michael TP, Setubal JC, Celton J-M, Rees DJG, Williams KP, Holt SH, Rojas JJR, Chatterjee M, Liu B, Silva H, Meisel L, Adato A, Filichkin SA, Troggio M, Viola R, Ashman T-L, Wang H, Dharmawardhana P, Elser J, Raja R, Priest HD, Bryant DW, Fox SE, Givan SA, Wilhelm LJ, Naithani S, Christoffels A, Salama DY, Carter J, Girona EL, Zdepski A, Wang W, Kerstetter RA, Schwab W, Korban SS, Davik J, Monfort A, Denoyes-Rothan B, Arus P, Mittler R, Flinn B, Aharoni A, Bennetzen JL, Salzberg SL, Dickerman AW, Velasco R, Borodovsky M, Veilleux RE, Folta KM. Nature Genetics; 43(2):109-116.
Date published:
February 1, 2011
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Ron Mittler.
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Extranuclear protection of chromosomal DNA from oxidative stress. Vanderauwera S, Suzuki N, Miller G, Van De Cotte B, Morsa S, Ravanat J-L, Hegie A, Triantaphylidès C, Shulaev V, Van Montagu MCE, Van Breusegem F, Mittler R. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 108(4):1711-1716.
Date published:
January 25, 2011
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Ron Mittler.
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Genetic engineering for modern agriculture: Challenges and perspectives. Mittler R, Blumwald E. Annual Review of Plant Biology; 61:443-462.
Date published:
June 2, 2010
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Ron Mittler.
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Reactive oxygen species homeostasis and signalling during drought and salinity stresses. Miller G, Suzuki N, Ciftci-Yilmaz S, Mittler R. Plant, Cell and Environment; 33(4):453-467.
Date published:
April 1, 2010
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Ron Mittler.
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Unraveling Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate-proline cycle in plants by uncoupled expression of proline oxidation enzymes. Miller G, Honig A, Stein H, Suzuki N, Mittler R, Zilberstein A. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 284(39):26482-26492.
Date published:
September 25, 2009
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Ron Mittler.
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Thiamin confers enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Tunc-Ozdemir M, Miller G, Song L, Kim J, Sodek A, Koussevitzky S, Misra AN, Mittler R, Shintani D. Plant Physiology; 151(1):421-432.
Date published:
September 1, 2009
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Ron Mittler.
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The plant NADPH oxidase RBOHD mediates rapid systemic signaling in response to diverse stimuli. Miller G, Schlauch K, Tam R, Cortes D, Torres MA, Shulaev V, Dangl JL, Mittler R. Science Signaling; 2(84):ra45.
Date published:
August 18, 2009
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Ron Mittler.
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Parallel expression evolution of oxidative stress-related genes in fiber from wild and domesticated diploid and polyploid cotton (Gossypium). Chaudhary B, Hovav R, Flagel L, Mittler R, Wendel JF. BMC Genomics; 10:378.
Date published:
August 17, 2009
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Ron Mittler.
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Proteomic profiling of tandem affinity purified 14-3-3 protein complexes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chang I-F, Curran A, Woolsey R, Quilici D, Cushman JC, Mittler R, Harmon A, Harper JF. Proteomics; 9(11):2967-2985.
Date published:
June 1, 2009
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Ron Mittler.
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Reactive Oxygen Signaling in Plants. Miller G, Coutu J, Shulaev V, Mittler R. Annual Plant Reviews: Intracellular Signaling in Plants; 33:189-201.
Date published:
February 9, 2009
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Ron Mittler.
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Ascorbate peroxidase 1 plays a key role in the response of Arabidopsis thaliana to stress combination. Koussevitzky S, Suzuki N, Huntington S, Armijo L, Sha W, Cortes D, Shulaev V, Mittler R. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 283(49):34197-34203.
Date published:
December 5, 2008
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Enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress in transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing proteins of unknown function. Luhua S, Ciftci-Yilmaz S, Harper J, Cushman J, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 148(1):280-292.
Date published:
September 1, 2008
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Reactive oxygen signaling and abiotic stress. Miller G, Shulaev V, Mittler R. Physiologia Plantarum; 133(3):481-489.
Date published:
July 1, 2008
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Ron Mittler.
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Unraveling the tapestry of networks involving reactive oxygen species in plants. Van Breusegem F, Bailey-Serres J, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 147(3):978-984.
Date published:
July 1, 2008
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Ron Mittler.
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Annotating genes of known and unknown function by large-scale coexpression analysis. Horan K, Jang C, Bailey-Serres J, Mittler R, Shelton C, Harper JF, Zhu J-K, Cushman JC, Gollery M, Girke T. Plant Physiology; 147(1):41-57.
Date published:
May 1, 2008
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Ron Mittler.
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The transcriptional co-activator MBF1c is a key regulator of thermotolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Suzuki N, Bajad S, Shuman J, Shulaev V, Mittler R. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 283(14):9269-9275.
Date published:
April 4, 2008
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Charting plant interactomes: possibilities and challenges. Morsy M, Gouthu S, Orchard S, Thorneycroft D, Harper JF, Mittler R, Cushman JC. Trends in Plant Science; 13(4):183-191.
Date published:
April 1, 2008
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Ron Mittler.
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The zinc finger network of plants. Ciftci-Yilmaz S, Mittler R. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences; 65(7-8):1150-1160.
Date published:
April 1, 2008
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Metabolomics for plant stress response. Shulaev V, Cortes D, Miller G, Mittler R. Physiologia Plantarum; 132(2):199-208.
Date published:
February 1, 2008
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Ron Mittler.
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Delayed leaf senescence induces extreme drought tolerance in a flowering plant. Rivero RM, Kojima M, Gepstein A, Sakakibara H, Mittler R, Gepstein S, Blumwald E. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 104(49):19631-19636.
Date published:
December 4, 2007
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Ron Mittler.
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Ascorbate Peroxidase. Mittler R, Poulos TL. Antioxidants and Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants; 87-100.
Date published:
November 12, 2007
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Ron Mittler.
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POFs: what we don’t know can hurt us. Gollery M, Harper J, Cushman J, Mittler T, Mittler R. Trends in Plant Science; 12(11):492-496.
Date published:
November 1, 2007
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Ron Mittler.
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Double mutants deficient in cytosolic and thylakoid ascorbate peroxidase reveal a complex mode of interaction between reactive oxygen species, plant development, and response to abiotic stresses. Miller G, Suzuki N, Rizhsky L, Hegie A, Koussevitzky S, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 144(4):1777-1785.
Date published:
August 1, 2007
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Ron Mittler.
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Signals from chloroplasts converge to regulate nuclear gene expression. Koussevitzky S, Nott A, Mockler TC, Hong F, Sachetto-Martins G, Surpin M, Lim J, Mittler R, Chory J. Science; 316(5825):715-719.
Date published:
May 4, 2007
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Ron Mittler.
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The EAR-motif of the Cys2/His2-type zinc finger protein Zat7 plays a key role in the defense response of Arabidopsis to salinity stress. Ciftci-Yilmaz S, Morsy MR, Song L, Coutu A, Krizek BA, Lewis MW, Warren D, Cushman J, Connolly EL, Mittler R. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 282(12):9260-6268.
Date published:
March 23, 2007
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Gain- and loss-of-function mutations in Zat10 enhance the tolerance of plants to abiotic stress. Mittler R, Kim Y, Song L, Coutu J, Coutu A, Ciftci-Yilmaz S, Lee H, Stevenson B, Zhu J-K. FEBS Letters; 580(28-29):6537-6542.
Date published:
December 11, 2006
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Could heat shock transcription factors function as hydrogen peroxide sensors in plants?. Miller G, Mittler R. Annals of Botany; 98(2):279-288.
Date published:
August 1, 2006
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Ron Mittler.
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What makes species unique? The contribution of proteins with obscure features. Gollery M, Harper J, Cushman J, Mittler T, Girke T, Zhu J-K, Bailey-Serres J, Mittler R. Genome Biology; 7(7):R57.
Date published:
July 19, 2006
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The roles of reactive oxygen species in plant cells. Bailey-Serres J, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 141(2):311.
Date published:
June 7, 2006
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Ron Mittler.
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Transcriptomic footprints disclose specificity of reactive oxygen species signaling in Arabidopsis. Gadjev I, Vanderauwera S, Gechev TS, Laloi C, Minkov IN, Shulaev V, Apel K, Inzé D, Mittler R, Van Breusegem F. Plant Physiology; 141(2):436-445.
Date published:
June 1, 2006
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Reactive oxygen species and temperature stresses: A delicate balance between signaling and destruction. Suzuki N, Mittler R. Physiologia Plantarum; 126(1):45-51.
Date published:
January 1, 2006
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Abiotic stress, the field environment and stress combination. Mittler R. Trends in Plant Science; 11(1):15-19.
Date published:
January 1, 2006
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Ron Mittler.
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Enhanced tolerance to environmental stress in transgenic plants expressing the transcriptional coactivator multiprotein bridging factor 1c. Suzuki N, Rizhsky L, Liang H, Shuman J, Shulaev V, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 139(3):1313-1322.
Date published:
November 11, 2005
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The zinc-finger protein Zat12 plays a central role in reactive oxygen and abiotic stress signaling in Arabidopsis. Davletova S, Schlauch K, Coutu J, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 139(2):847-856.
Date published:
October 11, 2005
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Cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase 1 is a central component of the reactive oxygen gene network of Arabidopsis. Davletova S, Rizhsky L, Liang H, Shengqiang Z, Oliver DJ, Coutu J, Shulaev V, Schlauch K, Mittler R. Plant Cell; 17(1):268-281.
Date published:
January 3, 2005
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Ron Mittler.
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Reactive oxygen gene network of plants. Mittler R, Vanderauwera S, Gollery M, Van Breusegem F. Trends in Plant Science; 9(10):490-498.
Date published:
October 1, 2004
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When defense pathways collide. The response of arabidopsis to a combination of drought and heat stress 1[w]. Rizhsky L, Liang H, Shuman J, Shulaev V, Davletova S, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 134(4):1683-1696.
Date published:
April 1, 2004
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The Zinc Finger Protein Zat12 Is Required for Cytosolic Ascorbate Peroxidase 1 Expression during Oxidative Stress in Arabidopsis. Rizhsky L, Davletova S, Liang H, Mittler R. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 279(12):11736-11743.
Date published:
March 19, 2004
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Measuring programmed cell death in plants. Rizhsky L, Shulaev V, Mittler R. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.); 282:179-189.
Date published:
January 1, 2004
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The water-water cycle is essential for chloroplast protection in the absence of stress. Rizhsky L, Liang H, Mittler R. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 278(40):38921-38925.
Date published:
October 3, 2003
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A major function of the tobacco floral nectary is defense against microbial attack. Thornburg RW, Carter C, Powell A, Mittler R, Rizhsky L, Horner HT. Plant Systematics and Evolution; 238(1-4):211-218.
Date published:
June 1, 2003
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Growth suppression, altered stomatal responses, and augmented induction of heat shock proteins in cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (Apx1)-deficient Arabidopsis plants. Pnueli L, Liang H, Rozenberg M, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 34(2):187-203.
Date published:
April 1, 2003
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Ron Mittler.
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Seasonal and diurnal variations in gene expression in the desert legume Retama raetam. Merquiol E, Pnueli L, Cohen M, Simovitch M, Rachmilevitch S, Goloubinoff P, Kaplan A, Mittler R. Plant, Cell and Environment; 25(12):1627-1638.
Date published:
December 1, 2002
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Ron Mittler.
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Double antisense plants lacking ascorbate peroxidase and catalase are less sensitive to oxidative stress than single antisense plants lacking ascorbate peroxidase or catalase. Rizhsky L, Hallak-Herr E, Van Breusegem F, Rachmilevitch S, Barr JE, Rodermel S, Inzé D, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 32(3):329-342.
Date published:
November 1, 2002
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Ron Mittler.
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The combined effect of drought stress and heat shock on gene expression in tobacco. Rizhsky L, Liang H, Mittler R. Plant Physiology; 130(3):1143-1151.
Date published:
November 1, 2002
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Ron Mittler.
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Oxidative stress, antioxidants and stress tolerance. Mittler R. Trends in Plant Science; 7(9):405-410.
Date published:
September 1, 2002
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Ron Mittler.
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Molecular and biochemical mechanisms associated with dormancy and drought tolerance in the desert legume Retama raetam. Pnueli L, Hallak-Herr E, Rozenberg M, Cohen M, Goloubinoff P, Kaplan A, Mittler R. Plant Journal; 31(3):319-330.
Date published:
August 1, 2002
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Ron Mittler.
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Reactive oxygen intermediates and glutathione regulate the expression of cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase during iron-mediated oxidative stress in bean. Pekker I, Tel-Or E, Mittler R. Plant Molecular Biology; 49(5):429-438.
Date published:
July 1, 2002
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Ron Mittler.
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Mechanism of cell death and disease resistance induction by transgenic expression of bacterio-opsin. Pontier D, Mittler R, Lam E. Plant Journal; 30(5):499-509.
Date published:
May 30, 2002
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Ron Mittler.
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Living under a ‘dormant’ canopy: A molecular acclimation mechanism of the desert plant Retama raetam. Mittler R, Merquiol E, Hallak-Herr E, Rachmilevitch S, Kaplan A, Cohen M. Plant Journal; 25(4):407-416.
Date published:
December 23, 2001
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Ron Mittler.
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Inducible expression of bacterio-opsin in transgenic tobacco and tomato plants. Rizhsky L, Mittler R. Plant Molecular Biology; 46(3):313-323.
Date published:
June 1, 2001
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Ron Mittler.
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Hydrogen peroxide, a messenger with too many roles?. Mittler R, Berkowitz G. Redox Report; 6(2):69-72.
Date published:
February 21, 2001
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Ron Mittler.
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Transgene-induced lesion mimic. Mittler R, Rizhsky L. Plant Molecular Biology; 44(3):335-344.
Date published:
October 1, 2000
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Ron Mittler.
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Transgenic tobacco plants with reduced capability to detoxify reactive oxygen intermediates are hyperresponsive to pathogen infection. Mittler R, Herr EH, Orvar BL, Van Camp W, Willekens H, Inzé D, Ellis BE. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 96(24):14165-14170.
Date published:
November 23, 1999
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Ron Mittler.
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Signals controlling the expression of cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase during pathogen-induced programmed cell death in tobacco. Mittler R, Lam E, Shulaev V, Cohen M. Plant Molecular Biology; 39(5):1025-1035.
Date published:
March 1, 1999
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Ron Mittler.
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Pathogen-induced programmed cell death in plants, a possible defense mechanism. Mittler R, Del Pozo O, Meisel L, Lam E. Developmental Genetics; 21(4):279-289.
Date published:
December 6, 1998
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Ron Mittler.
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Post-transcriptional suppression of cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase expression during pathogen-induced programmed cell death in tobacco. Mittler R, Feng X, Cohen M. Plant Cell; 10(3):461-473.
Date published:
March 1, 1998
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Ron Mittler.
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Pathogen-induced programmed cell death in tobacco. Mittler R, Simon L, Lam E. Journal of Cell Science; 110(11):1333-1344.
Date published:
June 1, 1997
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Ron Mittler.
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Characterization of nuclease activities and DNA fragmentation induced upon hypersensitive response cell death and mechanical stress. Mittler R, Lam E. Plant Molecular Biology; 34(2):209-221.
Date published:
May 1, 1997
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Ron Mittler.
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Inhibition of programmed cell death in tobacco plants during a pathogen-induced hypersensitive response at low oxygen pressure. Mittler R, Shulaev V, Seskar M, Lam E. Plant Cell; 8(11):1991-2001.
Date published:
November 1, 1996
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Ron Mittler.
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Sacrifice in the face of foes: Pathogen-induced programmed cell death in plants. Mittler R, Lam E. Trends in Microbiology; 4(1):10-15.
Date published:
January 1, 1996
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Ron Mittler.
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Identification, characterization, and purification of a tobacco endonuclease activity induced upon hypersensitive response cell death. Mittler R, Lam E. Plant Cell; 7(11):1951-1962.
Date published:
November 1, 1995
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Ron Mittler.
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In situ detection of nDNA fragmentation during the differentiation of tracheary elements in higher plants. Mittler R, Lam E. Plant Physiology; 108(2):489-493.
Date published:
June 1, 1995
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Ron Mittler.
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Coordinated activation of programmed cell death and defense mechanisms in transgenic tobacco plants expressing a bacterial proton pump. Mittler R, Shulaev V, Lam E. Plant Cell; 7(1):29-42.
Date published:
January 1, 1995
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Ron Mittler.
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Regulation of pea cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase and other antioxidant enzymes during the progression of drought stress and following recovery from drought. Mittler R, Zilinskas BA. The Plant Journal; 5(3):397-405.
Date published:
March 1, 1994
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Ron Mittler.
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Detection of ascorbate peroxidase activity in native gels by inhibition of the ascorbate-dependent reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium. Mittler R, Zilinskas BA. Analytical Biochemistry; 212(2):540-546.
Date published:
August 1, 1993
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Ron Mittler.
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Erratum: Molecular cloning and characterization of a gene encoding pea cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (Journal of Biological Chemistry (1992) 267 (21802-21807)). Mittler R, Zilinskas BA. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 268(6):4568.
Date published:
February 25, 1993
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Ron Mittler.
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Molecular cloning and characterization of a gene encoding pea cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase. Mittler R, Zilinskas BA. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 267(30):21802-21807.
Date published:
October 25, 1992
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Ron Mittler.
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A unique ascorbate peroxidase active component in the cyanobacterium synechococcus PCC 7942 (r2). Rozen A, Mittler R, Burstein Y, Tel-or E. Free Radical Research; 17(1):1-8.
Date published:
March 25, 1992
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Ron Mittler.
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Purification and characterization of pea cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase. Mittler R, Zilinskas BA. Plant Physiology; 97(3):962-968.
Date published:
November 1, 1991
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Ron Mittler.
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Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of a cDNA encoding pea cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase. Mittler R, Zilinskas BA. FEBS Letters; 289(2):257-259.
Date published:
September 2, 1991
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Ron Mittler.
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Oxidative stress responses and shock proteins in the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus R2 (PCC-7942). Mittler R, Tel-Or E. Archives of Microbiology; 155(2):125-130.
Date published:
January 1, 1991
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Ron Mittler.
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Oxidative stress responses in the unicellular cyanobacterium synechococcus pcc 7942. Mittler R, Tel-or E. Free Radical Research; 13(1):845-850.
Date published:
January 1, 1991
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Ron Mittler.
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Antiperoxidative enzymes in retama and their seasonal variation. Mittler R, Nir M, Tel-Or E. Free Radical Research; 14(1):17-24.
Date published:
June 10, 1990
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Ron Mittler.
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