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Olga Baker

Olga Baker

Professor of Otolaryngology

Phone: (573) 882-3804
540B Bond LIfe Sciences Center

Dr. Baker has pioneered the use of lipid mediators known as resolvins in salivary gland (SG) research, demonstrating that the resolvin D1 (RvD1) is biosynthesized in SGs. Specifically, she and her team revealed the mechanisms by which RvD1 activates its receptor (ALX/FPR2) to block pro-inflammatory cytokines and promote tissue healing. Additionally, Dr. Baker’s lab demonstrated the degree to which the RvD1 receptor ALX/FPR2 is critical for resolution of inflammation in SG, as mice lacking it display markedly increased reactivity to endotoxins.

The significance of these findings is that her lab may have found a means to more effectively manage hyposalivation observed in Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) patients, with results to date demonstrating that systemic treatment with RvD1 of a mouse model for SS preserves and restores SG secretory function. A second of Dr. Baker’s ongoing research programs is conducted in partnership with Dr. Stelios Andreadis of the University at Buffalo. For this project, her team has designed a matrix consisting of fibrin hydrogels (FH) linked to basement proteins and growth factors and introduced it into damaged SG with the aim of forming new tissue and recovering lost secretory function. Particularly, Dr. Baker’s lab has demonstrated that the structural protein Laminin-1 (L1) promotes SG differentiation when polymerized within FH; however, because L1 is not optimal for translational research in light of its tumorigenic properties, they designed alternate peptide sequences corresponding to pertinent L1 regions that promote intact SG formation and conjugated them to FH. In so doing, this scaffold has retained the fertile characteristics of L1 without the associated dangers, thereby increasing the chances of producing new tissue with minimal risk for side effects. Furthermore, Dr. Baker and colleagues have tested this L1-modified FH scaffold in irradiated mouse SG and successfully applied it in vivo to restore SG function, thereby confirming that new and well-organized salivary tissue with intact secretion can be produced using this novel matrix.

Baker Research Lab — MU School of Medicine

News about Olga Baker


Current experimental methods to investigate the impact of specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators on Sjögren’s syndrome. dos Santos H T, Nam K, Gil D, Yellepeddi V, Baker O J. Frontiers in Immunology; Volume 13.

Date published: January 12, 2023
Featured in this article: Olga Baker, , Kihoon Nam.

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Tuft Cells Are Present in Submandibular Glands Across Species. Tavares dos Santos H, Nam K, Maslow F, Small T, Galloway T, Dooley L, Tassone P, Zitsch R, Weisman G, Baker O. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry; .

Date published: August 21, 2022
Featured in this article: Gary Weisman, Olga Baker, , Kihoon Nam, Frank Maslow, .

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Early Dry Eye Disease Onset in a NOD.H-2h4 Mouse Model of Sjögren’s Syndrome. Lili L, Jasmer K, Camden J M, Woods L T, Martin A L, Yang Y, Layton M, Petris M J, Baker O J, Weisman G A, Petris C K. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science; Vol.63, 18.

Date published: June 1, 2022
Featured in this article: Kimberly Jasmer, Jean Camden, Lucas Woods, Michael Petris, Olga Baker, Gary Weisman.

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Specialized pro-resolving receptors are expressed in salivary glands with Sjögren’s syndrome. dos Santos , Nam K., Maslow F., Trump B., Baker O.J.. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology; Volume 56.

Date published: February 1, 2022
Featured in this article: Frank Maslow, Kihoon Nam, , Olga Baker.

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SPM Receptor Expression and Localization in Irradiated Salivary Glands. dos Santos HT, Nam K, Hunt JP, Buchmann LO, Monroe MM, Baker OJ. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry; 69(8):523-534.

Date published: August 1, 2021
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Predicting Resolvin D1 Pharmacokinetics in Humans with Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling. Yellepeddi VK, Parashar K, Dean SM, Watt KM, Constance JE, Baker OJ. Clinical and Translational Science; 14(2):683-691.

Date published: March 1, 2021
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Trimers Conjugated to Fibrin Hydrogels Promote Salivary Gland Function. Dos Santos HT, Nam K, Brown CT, Dean SM, Lewis S, Pfeifer CS, Lei P, Petris MJ, Andreadis ST, Baker OJ. Journal of Dental Research; 100(3):268-275.

Date published: March 1, 2021
Featured in this article: Michael Petris, Olga Baker.

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Cell Sheets Restore Secretory Function in Wounded Mouse Submandibular Glands. Dos Santos HT, Kim K, Okano T, Camden JM, Weisman GA, Baker OJ, Nam K. Cells; 9(12).

Date published: December 9, 2020
Featured in this article: Gary Weisman, Olga Baker.

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Sex-mediated elevation of the specialized pro-resolving lipid mediator levels in a Sjögren’s syndrome mouse model. Parashar K, Schulte F, Hardt M, Baker OJ. FASEB Journal; 34(6):7733-7744.

Date published: June 1, 2020
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Sex-dependent Regeneration Patterns in Mouse Submandibular Glands. Brown CT, Nam K, Zhang Y, Qiu Y, Dean SM, Dos Santos HT, Lei P, Andreadis ST, Baker OJ. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry; 68(5):305-318.

Date published: May 1, 2020
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Predictive modeling of aspirin-triggered resolvin D1 pharmacokinetics for the study of Sjögren’s syndrome. Yellepeddi VK, Baker OJ. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research; 6(2):225-235.

Date published: April 1, 2020
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Engineering the mode of morphogenetic signal presentation to promote branching from salivary gland spheroids in 3D hydrogels. Samuel RZ, Lei P, Nam K, Baker OJ, Andreadis ST. Acta Biomaterialia; 105:121-130.

Date published: March 15, 2020
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Using cell sheets to regenerate mouse submandibular glands. Nam K, Kim K, Dean SM, Brown CT, Davis RS, Okano T, Baker OJ. npj Regenerative Medicine; 4(1):16.

Date published: December 1, 2019
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Aspirin Triggered Resolvin D1 reduces inflammation and restores saliva secretion in a Sjögren’s syndrome mouse model. Dean S, Wang C-S, Nam K, Maruyama CL, Trump BG, Baker OJ. Rheumatology (United Kingdom); 58(7):1285-1292.

Date published: July 1, 2019
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Synergistic effects of laminin-1 peptides, VEGF and FGF9 on salivary gland regeneration. Nam K, Dean SM, Brown CT, Smith RJ Jr, Lei P, Andreadis ST, Baker OJ. Acta Biomaterialia; 91:186-194.

Date published: June 1, 2019
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Comparing human and mouse salivary glands: A practice guide for salivary researchers. Maruyama CL, Monroe MM, Hunt JP, Buchmann L, Baker OJ. Oral Diseases; 25(2):403-415.

Date published: March 1, 2019
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Erratum to: AT-RvD1 Promotes Resolution of Inflammation in NOD/ShiLtJ mice (Scientific Reports, (2017), 7, 1, (45525), 10.1038/srep45525). Wang C-S, Maruyama CL, Easley JT, Trump BG, Baker OJ. Scientific Reports; 8(1):15220.

Date published: December 1, 2018
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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The G-Protein–Coupled Receptor ALX/Fpr2 Regulates Adaptive Immune Responses in Mouse Submandibular Glands. Wang C-S, Baker OJ. American Journal of Pathology; 188(7):1555-1562.

Date published: July 1, 2018
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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The pioneer bridge: A long-term, non-invasive, esthetic composite bonded bridge for the replacement of anterior teeth. Wang FS, Cera CV, Baker OJ, Janis JN. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science; 5(4):630-634.

Date published: April 1, 2018
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Laminin-111-derived peptide conjugated fibrin hydrogel restores salivary gland function. Nam K, Maruyama CL, Wang C-S, Trump BG, Lei P, Andreadis ST, Baker OJ. PLoS ONE; 12(11):e0187069.

Date published: November 1, 2017
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Regulation of inflammation by lipid mediators in oral diseases. Sommakia S, Baker OJ. Oral Diseases; 23(5):576-597.

Date published: July 1, 2017
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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L1 Peptide-Conjugated Fibrin Hydrogels Promote Salivary Gland Regeneration. Nam K, Wang C-S, Maruyama CLM, Lei P, Andreadis ST, Baker OJ. Journal of Dental Research; 96(7):798-806.

Date published: July 1, 2017
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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AT-RvD1 Promotes Resolution of Inflammation in NOD/ShiLtJ mice. Wang C-S, Maruyama CL, Easley JT, Trump BG, Baker OJ. Scientific Reports; 7:45525.

Date published: March 31, 2017
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Three-dimensional cultures of mouse submandibular and parotid glands: a comparative study. Leigh, N.J.a, Nelson, J.W.a, Mellas, R.E.a, McCall, A.D.b, Baker, O.J. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; 11(3):618-626.

Date published: March 1, 2017
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Current cell models for bioengineering salivary glands. Baker, OJ. Salivary Gland Development and Regeneration: Advances in Research and Clinical Approaches to Functional Restoration; 133-144.

Date published: February 20, 2017
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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AT-RvD1 combined with DEX is highly effective in treating TNF-α-mediated disruption of the salivary gland epithelium. Easley JT, Maruyama CLM, Wang C-S, Baker OJ. Physiological Reports; 4(19):e12990.

Date published: October 1, 2016
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Current trends in salivary gland tight junctions. Baker, OJ. Tissue Barriers; 4(3):e1162348.

Date published: July 2, 2016
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Laminin-111 Peptides Conjugated to Fibrin Hydrogels Promote Formation of Lumen Containing Parotid Gland Cell Clusters. Nam K, Jones JP, Lei P, Andreadis ST, Baker OJ. Biomacromolecules; 17(6):2293-2301.

Date published: June 13, 2016
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Post-irradiated human submandibular glands display high collagen deposition, disorganized cell junctions, and an increased number of adipocytes. Nam K, Maruyama CL, Trump BG, Buchmann L, Hunt JP, Monroe MM, Baker OJ. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry; 64(6):343-352.

Date published: April 28, 2016
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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ALX/FPR2 modulates anti-inflammatory responses in mouse submandibular gland. Wang C-S, Wee Y, Yang C-H, Melvin JE, Baker OJ. Scientific Reports; 6:24244.

Date published: April 11, 2016
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Stem cell-soluble signals enhance multilumen formation in SMG cell clusters. Maruyama CLM, Leigh NJ, Nelson JW, McCall AD, Mellas RE, Lei P, Andreadis ST, Baker OJ. Journal of Dental Research; 94(11):1610-1617.

Date published: November 1, 2015
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Characterization of Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis in Human Minor Salivary Glands with Sjögren’s Syndrome. McCall AD, Baker OJ. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry; 63(5):340-349.

Date published: May 5, 2015
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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NFIB regulates embryonic development of submandibular glands. Mellas RE, Kim H, Osinski J, Sadibasic S, Gronostajski RM, Cho M, Baker OJ. Journal of Dental Research; 94(2):312-319.

Date published: February 22, 2015
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Zonula Occludens-1, Occludin and E-cadherin Expression and Organization in Salivary Glands with Sjögren’s Syndrome. Mellas RE, Leigh NJ, Nelson JW, McCall AD, Baker OJ. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry; 63(1):45-56.

Date published: January 30, 2015
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Saliva-microbe interactions and salivary gland dysfunction. Baker OJ, Edgerton M, Kramer JM, Ruhl S. Advances in dental research; 26(1):7-14.

Date published: May 1, 2014
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Expression of resolvin D1 biosynthetic pathways in salivary epithelium. Leigh NJ, Nelson JW, Mellas RE, Aguirre A, Baker OJ. Journal of Dental Research; 93(3):300-305.

Date published: March 1, 2014
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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ALX/FPR2 receptor for RvD1 is expressed and functional in salivary glands. Nelson JW, Leigh NJ, Mellas RE, McCall AD, Aguirre A, Baker OJ. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology; 306(2):C178-C185.

Date published: January 15, 2014
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Growth factors polymerized within fibrin hydrogel promote amylase production in parotid cells. McCall AD, Nelson JW, Leigh NJ, Duffey ME, Lei P, Andreadis ST, Baker OJ. Tissue Engineering - Part A; 19(19-20):2215-2225.

Date published: October 1, 2013
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Understanding resolvin signaling pathways to improve oral health. Keinan D, Leigh NJ, Nelson JW, De Oleo L, Baker OJ. International Journal of Molecular Sciences; 14(3):5501-5518.

Date published: March 1, 2013
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Current cell models for bioengineering a salivary gland: A mini-review of emerging technologies. Nelson J, Manzella K, Baker OJ. Oral Diseases; 19(3):236-244.

Date published: June 18, 2012
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Resolvin D1 prevents TNF-α-mediated disruption of salivary epithelial formation. Odusanwo O, Chinthamani S, McCall A, Duffey ME, Baker OJ. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology; 302(9):C1331-C1345.

Date published: May 1, 2012
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Lipoxin A 4 inhibits immune cell binding to salivary epithelium and vascular endothelium. Chinthamani S, Odusanwo O, Mondal N, Nelson J, Neelamegham S, Baker OJ. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology; 302(7):C968-C978.

Date published: April 1, 2012
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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New mechanism of oral immunity to mucosal candidiasis in hyper-IgE syndrome. Conti HR, Baker O, Freeman AF, Jang WS, Holland SM, Li RA, Edgerton M, Gaffen SL. Mucosal Immunology; 4(4):448-455.

Date published: July 1, 2011
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Rat parotid gland cell differentiation in three-dimensional culture. Baker OJ, Schulz DJ, Camden JM, Liao Z, Peterson TS, Seye CI, Petris MJ, Weisman GA. Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods; 16(5):1135-1144.

Date published: October 1, 2010
Featured in this article: Olga Baker, Michael Petris, Gary Weisman.

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P2Y2 nucleotide receptors mediate metalloprotease-dependent phosphorylation of epidermal growth factor receptor and ErbB3 in human salivary gland cells. Ratchford AM, Baker OJ, Camden JM, Rikka S, Petris MJ, Seye CI, Erb L, Weisman GA. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 285(10):7545-7555.

Date published: March 5, 2010
Featured in this article: Olga Baker, Michael Petris, Gary Weisman.

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Tight junctions in salivary epithelium. Baker, OJ. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology; 2010:278948.

Date published: February 18, 2010
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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PKCαβγ- and PKCδ-dependent endocytosis of NBCe1-A and NBCe1-B in salivary parotid acinar cells. Perry C, Baker OJ, Reyland ME, Grichtchenko II. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology; 297(6):C1409-1423.

Date published: December 1, 2009
Featured in this article: Olga Baker.

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Interleukin-1β enhances nucleotide-induced and α-secretase- dependent amyloid precursor protein processing in rat primary cortical neurons via up-regulation of the P2Y2 receptor. Kong Q, Peterson TS, Baker O, Stanley E, Camden J, Seye CI, Erb L, Simonyi A, Wood WG, Sun GY, Weisman GA. Journal of Neurochemistry; 109(5):1300-1310.

Date published: June 1, 2009
Featured in this article: Olga Baker, Gary Weisman.

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Proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α and interferon-γ alter tight junction structure and function in the rat parotid gland Par-C10 cell line. Baker OJ, Camden JM, Redman RS, Jones JE, Seye CI, Erb L, Weisman GA. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology; 295(5):C1191-C1201.

Date published: November 1, 2008
Featured in this article: Olga Baker, Gary Weisman.

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Corrigendum to “P2Y2 nucleotide receptor activation up-regulates vascular cell adhesion molecular-1 expression and enhances lymphocyte adherence to a human submandibular gland cell line” [Mol. Immunol. 45 (2008) 65-75] (DOI:10.1016/j.molimm.2007.05.009). Baker OJ, Camden JM, Rome DE, Seye CI, Weisman GA. Molecular Immunology; 45(11):3319.

Date published: June 1, 2008
Featured in this article: Olga Baker, Gary Weisman.

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P2Y2 nucleotide receptor activation up-regulates vascular cell adhesion molecular-1 expression and enhances lymphocyte adherence to a human submandibular gland cell line. Baker OJ, Camden JM, Rome DE, Seye CI, Weisman GA. Molecular Immunology; 45(1):65-75.

Date published: January 1, 2008
Featured in this article: Olga Baker, Gary Weisman.

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Differential coupling of the P2Y1 receptor to Gα14 and Gαq/11 proteins during the development of the rat salivary gland. Baker OJ, Camden JM, Ratchford AM, Seye CI, Erb L, Weisman GA. Archives of Oral Biology; 51(5):359-370.

Date published: May 1, 2006
Featured in this article: Olga Baker, Gary Weisman.

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