Gary Stacey
The Stacey laboratory focuses on understanding plant signaling pathways that regulate plant-microbe interactions; for example, the initial signaling involved in the establishment of the nitrogen-fixing legume symbiosis. This research has expanded to study the functional genomics of the soybean root hair cell, a single-cell model for systems biology. The lab is examining the root hair response to rhizobia, which are nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria, as well as its response to various stresses such as heat and drought. Another lab focus is signaling between plants and bacterial or fungal pathogens; such as the role of chitin as an elicitor of plant disease resistance. The laboratory is working to improve the genetic and genomic tools available to study soybean, Missouri’s foremost crop. Thus, the lab has work underway that moves from very basic studies using plant models, such as Arabidopsis, to basic soybean studies to actual field studies with more practical, applied goals.
News about Gary Stacey
Critical role for uricase and xanthine dehydrogenase in soybean nitrogen fixation and nodule development. Nguyen, Cuong X. a; Dohnalkova, Alice b; Hancock, C. Nathan c; Kirk, Kendall R. d; Stacey, Gary a, e; Stacey, Minviluz G. a. Plant Genome; Volume 16, Issue 2.
Date published:
June 1, 2023
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey.
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The Raf-like MAPKKK INTEGRIN-LINKED KINASE 5 regulates purinergic receptor-mediated innate immunity in Arabidopsis. Kim, Daewon a; Chen, Dongqin a; Ahsan, Nagib b; Jorge, Gabriel Lemes b; Thelen, Jay J. b; Stacey, Gary. Plant Cell; Volume 35, Issue 5, Pages 1572 - 1592.
Date published:
May 1, 2023
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey.
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Acetylene Reduction Assay: A Measure of Nitrogenase Activity in Plants and Bacteria. Montes-Luz, Bruna a; Conrado, Ana Caroline b; Ellingsen, Jared K. a; Monteiro, Rose Adele b; de Souza, Emanuel Maltempi b; Stacey, Gary. Current Protcols; Volume 3, Issue 5.
Date published:
May 1, 2023
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey.
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Mapping Genetic Variation in Arabidopsis in Response to Plant Growth-Promoting Bacterium Azoarcus olearius DQS-4T. Plucani do Amaral F, Wang J, Williams J, Tuleski T R, Joshi T, Ferreira M A R, Stacey G. Microorganisms; Volume 11, Issue 2.
Date published:
February 1, 2023
Featured in this article:
Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey.
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Super-Resolution Imaging of Plant Receptor-Like Kinases Uncovers Their Colocalization and Coordination with Nanometer Resolution. Traeger, Jeremiah a Send mail to Traeger J.; Hu, Dehong a; Yang, Mengran b; Stacey, Gary b; Orr, Galya a. Membranes; Volume 13, issue 2.
Date published:
February 1, 2023
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Gary Stacey.
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Computational prediction and in vitro analysis of the potential ligand binding site within the extracellular ATP receptor, P2K2. Cho S, Nguyen C T, Pham Q, Stacey G. Plant Signaling and Behavior; Volume 18, Issue 1.
Date published:
January 1, 2023
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Gary Stacey.
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Activation of the plant mevalonate pathway by extracellular ATP. Cho S.-H.,Tóth K., ,Kim D.,Vo P.H., ,Lin C.-H.,Handakumbura P.P.,Ubach A.R.,Evans S.,Paša-Tolić L.,Stacey G.. Nature Communications; Volume 13, Issue 1.
Date published:
December 1, 2022
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Gary Stacey.
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Extracellular ATP plays an important role in systemic wound response activation. Myers, Ronald J; Fichman, Yosef; Stacey, Gary; Mittler, Ron. Plant Physiology; Volume 189, Issue 3, Pages 1314 - 1325.
Date published:
July 1, 2022
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey,
Ron Mittler.
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Arabidopsis thaliana CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE-GATED CHANNEL2 mediates extracellular ATP signal transduction in root epidermis. Wang L.,Ning Y.a,Sun J., ,Wilkins K.A.,Matthus E.,McNelly R.E.,Dark A.,Rubio L.,Moeder W.,Yoshioka K.d,Véry A.-A.,Stacey G. Leblanc-Fournier N.,Legué V.,Moulia B.,Davies J.M.. New Phytologist; Volume 234, Issue 2, Pages 412 - 421.
Date published:
April 1, 2022
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey.
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Large-Scale Integrative Analysis of Soybean Transcriptome Using an Unsupervised Autoencoder Model. Su, Lingtao, Xu, Chunhui, Zeng, Shuai, Su, Li, Joshi, Trupti. Stacey, Gary, Xu, Dong. Frontiers in Plant Science; Volume 13 Article number 831204.
Date published:
March 3, 2022
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey,
Trupti Joshi.
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Plant Growth-promoting Effects of Viable and Dead Spores of Bacillus pumilus TUAT1 on Setaria viridis. Agake S.-I.Plucani do Amaral F.,Yamada T., Sekimoto H.,Stacey G.,Yokoyama T.,Ohkama-Ohtsu N.. Microbes and environments; Volume 37, Issue 1.
Date published:
January 1, 2022
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey.
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S-acylation of P2K1 mediates extracellular ATP-induced immune signaling in Arabidopsis. Chen D, Hao F, Mu H, Ahsan N, Thelen JJ, Stacey G. Nature Communications; 12(1):2750.
Date published:
December 1, 2021
Featured in this article:
Jay Thelen,
Gary Stacey.
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Variation in gene expression between two sorghum bicolor lines differing in innate immunity response. Cui Y, Chen D, Jiang Y, Xu D, Balint-Kurti P, Stacey G. Plant; 10(8):1536.
Date published:
August 1, 2021
Featured in this article:
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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High-Throughput Analysis of Tissue-Embedded Single Cells by Mass Spectrometry with Bimodal Imaging and Object Recognition. Stopka SA, Wood EA, Khattar R, Agtuca BJ, Abdelmoula WM, Agar NYR, Stacey G, Vertes A. Analytical Chemistry; 93(28):9677-9687.
Date published:
July 20, 2021
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Gary Stacey.
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Redox-dependent structural switch and CBF activation confer freezing tolerance in plants. Lee ES, Park JH, Wi SD, Kang CH, Chi YH, Chae HB, Paeng SK, Ji MG, Kim W-Y, Kim MG, Yun D-J, Stacey G, Lee SY. Nature Plants; 7(7):914-922.
Date published:
July 1, 2021
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Gary Stacey.
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Soybean Hairy Root Transformation: A Rapid and Highly Efficient Method. Song J, Tóth K, Montes-Luz B, Stacey G. Current Protocols; 1(7):e195.
Date published:
July 1, 2021
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Gary Stacey.
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Diazotrophic bacteria and their mechanisms to interact and benefit cereals. Silva Pankievicz VC, do Amaral FP, Ané J-M, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 34(5):491-498.
Date published:
May 1, 2021
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Gary Stacey.
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Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Bio-oligomer Polydispersity in Plant Tissues by Laser Desorption Ionization from Silicon Nanopost Arrays. Samarah LZ, Tran TH, Stacey G, Vertes A. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition; 60(16):9071-9077.
Date published:
April 12, 2021
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Gary Stacey.
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CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Knockout of Galactinol Synthase-Encoding Genes Reduces Raffinose Family Oligosaccharide Levels in Soybean Seeds. Le H, Nguyen NH, Ta DT, Le TNT, Bui TP, Le NT, Nguyen CX, Rolletschek H, Stacey G, Stacey MG, Pham NB, Do PT, Chu HH. Frontiers in Plant Science; 11:612942.
Date published:
December 17, 2020
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey,
Minviluz (Bing) Stacey.
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Selective Enrichment Coupled with Proteomics to Identify S-Acylated Plasma Membrane Proteins in Arabidopsis. Zhou L, Zhou M, Gritsenko MA, Stacey G. Current Protocols In Plant Biology; 5(4):e20119.
Date published:
December 1, 2020
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Gary Stacey.
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Genome-wide association analysis of the strength of the MAMP-elicited defense response and resistance to target leaf spot in sorghum. Samira R, Kimball JA, Samayoa LF, Holland JB, Jamann TM, Brown PJ, Stacey G, Balint-Kurti PJ. Scientific Reports; 10(1):20817.
Date published:
December 1, 2020
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Gary Stacey.
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Metabolomic profiling of wild-type and mutant soybean root nodules using laser-ablation electrospray ionization mass spectrometry reveals altered metabolism. Agtuca BJ, Stopka SA, Evans S, Samarah L, Liu Y, Xu D, Stacey MG, Koppenaal DW, Paša-Tolić L, Anderton CR, Vertes A, Stacey G. Plant Journal; 103(5):1937-1958.
Date published:
August 1, 2020
Featured in this article:
Dong Xu,
Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Arabidopsis lectin receptor kinase P2K2 is a second plant receptor for extracellular atp and contributes to innate immunity. Pham AQ, Cho S-H, Nguyen CT, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 183(3):1364-1375.
Date published:
July 1, 2020
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Gary Stacey.
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Single-Cell Metabolic Profiling: Metabolite Formulas from Isotopic Fine Structures in Heterogeneous Plant Cell Populations. Samarah LZ, Khattar R, Tran TH, Stopka SA, Brantner CA, Parlanti P, Veličković D, Shaw JB, Agtuca BJ, Stacey G, Paša-Tolić L, Tolić N, Anderton CR, Vertes A. Analytical Chemistry; 92(10):7289-7298.
Date published:
May 19, 2020
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Gary Stacey.
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In Vivo Chemical Analysis of Plant Sap from the Xylem and Single Parenchymal Cells by Capillary Microsampling Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Samarah LZ, Tran TH, Stacey G, Vertes A. Analytical Chemistry; 92(10):7299-7306.
Date published:
May 19, 2020
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Gary Stacey.
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The role of microRNAs in the legume-Rhizobium nitrogen-fixing symbiosis. Hoang NT, Tóth K, Stacey G. Journal of Experimental Botany; 71(5):1668-1680.
Date published:
March 12, 2020
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Gary Stacey.
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Corrigendum: Characterization of the Spatial and Temporal Expression of Two Soybean miRNAs Identifies SCL6 as a Novel Regulator of Soybean Nodulation (Frontiers in Plant Science, (2019), 10, 10.3389/fpls.2019.00475). Hossain MS, Hoang NT, Yan Z, Tóth K, Meyers BC, Stacey G. Frontiers in Plant Science; 10:1692.
Date published:
February 12, 2020
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Gary Stacey.
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Proteomic and Metabolomic Analysis of Azospirillum brasilense ntrC Mutant under High and Low Nitrogen Conditions. Kukolj C, Pedrosa FO, De Souza GA, Sumner LW, Lei Z, Sumner B, Do Amaral FP, Juexin W, Trupti J, Huergo LF, Monteiro RA, Valdameri G, Stacey G, De Souza EM. Journal of Proteome Research; 19(1):92-105.
Date published:
January 3, 2020
Featured in this article:
Lloyd Sumner,
Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey.
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In-situ metabolomic analysis of Setaria viridis roots colonized by beneficial endophytic bacteria. Agtuca BJ, Stopka SA, Tuleski TR, Do Amaral FP, Evan S, Liu Y, Xu D, Monteiro RA, Koppenaal DW, Paša-Tolić L, Anderton CR, Vertes A, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 33(2):272-283.
Date published:
January 1, 2020
Featured in this article:
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Herbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans as a phytopathogenic model to study the immune system of Sorghum bicolor. Tuleski TR, Kimball J, Do Amaral FP, Pereira TP, Tadra-Sfeir MZ, De Oliveira Pedrosa F, De Souza EM, Balint-Kurti P, Monteiro RA, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 33(2):235-246.
Date published:
January 1, 2020
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Gary Stacey.
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Construction and comparison of three reference-quality genome assemblies for soybean. Valliyodan B, Cannon SB, Bayer PE, Shu S, Brown AV, Ren L, Jenkins J, Chung CYL, Chan T-E, Daum CG, Plott C, Hastie A, Baruch K, Barry KW, Huang W, Patil G, Varshney RK, Hu H, Batley J, Yuan Y, Song Q, Stupar RM, Goodstein DM, Stacey G, Lam H-M, Jackson SA, Schmutz J, Grimwood J, Edwards D, Nguyen HT. Plant Journal; 100(5):1066-1082.
Date published:
December 1, 2019
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Gary Stacey.
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Identification of QTL for Target Leaf Spot resistance in Sorghum bicolor and investigation of relationships between disease resistance and variation in the MAMP response. Kimball J, Cui Y, Chen D, Brown P, Rooney WL, Stacey G, Balint-Kurti PJ. Scientific Reports; 9(1):18285.
Date published:
December 1, 2019
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Gary Stacey.
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DORN1/P2K1 and purino-calcium signalling in plants: Making waves with extracellular ATP. Matthus E, Sun J, Wang L, Bhat MG, Mohammad-Sidik AB, Wilkins KA, Leblanc-Fournier N, Legué V, Moulia B, Stacey G, Davies JM. Annals of Botany; 124(7):1227-1242.
Date published:
November 1, 2019
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Gary Stacey.
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Early Extracellular ATP Signaling in Arabidopsis Root Epidermis: A Multi-Conductance Process. Wang L, Stacey G, Leblanc-Fournier N, Legué V, Moulia B, Davies JM. Frontiers in Plant Science; 10:1064.
Date published:
September 4, 2019
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Gary Stacey.
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SoyCSN: Soybean context-specific network analysis and prediction based on tissue-specific transcriptome data. Wang J, Hossain MS, Lyu Z, Schmutz J, Stacey G, Xu D, Joshi T. Plant Direct; 3(9):e00167.
Date published:
September 1, 2019
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey,
Dong Xu,
Trupti Joshi.
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Demonstration of highly efficient dual gRNA CRISPR/Cas9 editing of the homeologous GmFAD2-1A and GmFAD2-1B genes to yield a high oleic, low linoleic and α-linolenic acid phenotype in soybean. Do PT, Nguyen CX, Bui HT, Tran LTN, Stacey G, Gillman JD, Zhang ZJ, Stacey MG. BMC Plant Biology; 19(1):311.
Date published:
July 15, 2019
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey,
Minviluz (Bing) Stacey.
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Ambient Metabolic Profiling and Imaging of Biological Samples with Ultrahigh Molecular Resolution Using Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization 21 Tesla FTICR Mass Spectrometry. Stopka SA, Samarah LZ, Shaw JB, Liyu AV, Veličković D, Agtuca BJ, Kukolj C, Koppenaal DW, Stacey G, Paša-Tolić L, Anderton CR, Vertes A. Analytical Chemistry; 91(8):5028-5035.
Date published:
April 16, 2019
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Gary Stacey.
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Characterization of the spatial and temporal expression of two soybean mirnas identifies SCL6 as a novel regulator of soybean nodulation. Hossain MS, Hoang NT, Yan Z, Tóth K, Meyers BC, Stacey G. Frontiers in Plant Science; 10:475.
Date published:
April 16, 2019
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Gary Stacey.
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Relationship Between Carbon Mobilization and Root Growth Measured by Carbon-11 Tracer in Arabidopsis Starch Mutants. Song L, Agtuca B, Schueller MJ, Jurisson SS, Stacey G, Ferrieri RA. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation; 38(1):164-179.
Date published:
March 15, 2019
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Gary Stacey.
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Importance of poly- 3-hydroxybutyrate metabolism to the ability of Herbaspirillum seropedicae to promote plant growth. Alves LPS, do Amaral FP, Kim D, Bom MT, Gavídia MP, Teixeira CS, Holthman F, Pedrosa FO, de Souza EM, Chubatsu LS, Müller-Santos M, Stacey G. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 85(6):e02586-18.
Date published:
March 1, 2019
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Gary Stacey.
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Observed metabolic asymmetry within soybean root nodules reflects unexpected complexity in rhizobacteria-legume metabolite exchange. Veličković D, Agtuca BJ, Stopka SA, Vertes A, Koppenaal DW, Paša-Tolić L, Stacey G, Anderton CR. ISME Journal; 12(9):2335-2338.
Date published:
September 1, 2018
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Gary Stacey.
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The Physcomitrella patens gene atlas project: large-scale RNA-seq based expression data. Perroud P-F, Haas FB, Hiss M, Ullrich KK, Alboresi A, Amirebrahimi M, Barry K, Bassi R, Bonhomme S, Chen H, Coates JC, Fujita T, Guyon-Debast A, Lang D, Lin J, Lipzen A, Nogué F, Oliver MJ, Ponce de León I, Quatrano RS, Rameau C, Reiss B, Reski R, Ricca M, Saidi Y, Sun N, Szövényi P, Sreedasyam A, Grimwood J, Stacey G, Schmutz J, Rensing SA. Plant Journal; 95(1):168-182.
Date published:
July 1, 2018
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Gary Stacey.
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AtOPT6 protein functions in long-distance transport of glutathione in arabidopsis thaliana. Wongkaew A, Asayama K, Kitaiwa T, Nakamura S-I, Kojima K, Stacey G, Sekimoto H, Yokoyama T, Ohkama-Ohtsu N. Plant and Cell Physiology; 59(7):1443-1451.
Date published:
July 1, 2018
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Gary Stacey.
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Lipopolysaccharides trigger two successive bursts of reactive oxygen species at distinct cellular locations. Shang-guan K, Wang M, Htwe NMPS, Li P, Li Y, Qi F, Zhang D, Cao M, Kim C, Weng H, Cen H, Black IM, Azadi P, Carlson RW, Stacey G, Liang Y. Plant Physiology; 176(3):2543-2556.
Date published:
March 1, 2018
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Gary Stacey.
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Extracellular ATP acts on jasmonate signaling to reinforce plant defense. Tripathi D, Zhang T, Koo AJ, Stacey G, Tanaka K. Plant Physiology; 176(1):511-523.
Date published:
January 1, 2018
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Gary Stacey.
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Metabolic noise and distinct subpopulations observed by single cell LAESI mass spectrometry of plant cells in situ. Stopka SA, Khattar R, Agtuca BJ, Anderton CR, Paša-Tolić L, Stacey G, Vertes A. Frontiers in Plant Science; 871:1646.
Date published:
January 1, 2018
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Gary Stacey.
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Extracellular ATP elicits DORN1-mediated RBOHD phosphorylation to regulate stomatal aperture. Chen D, Cao Y, Li H, Kim D, Ahsan N, Thelen J, Stacey G. Nature Communications; 8(1):2265.
Date published:
December 1, 2017
Featured in this article:
Jay Thelen,
Gary Stacey.
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The GmFWL1 (FW2-2-like) nodulation gene encodes a plasma membrane microdomain-associated protein. Qiao Z, Brechenmacher L, Smith B, Strout GW, Mangin W, Taylor C, Russell SD, Stacey G, Libault M. Plant Cell and Environment; 40(8):1442-1455.
Date published:
August 1, 2017
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Gary Stacey.
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Laser-ablation electrospray ionization mass spectrometry with ion mobility separation reveals metabolites in the symbiotic interactions of soybean roots and rhizobia. Stopka SA, Agtuca BJ, Koppenaal DW, Paša-Tolić L, Stacey G, Vertes A, Anderton CR. Plant Journal; 91(2):340-354.
Date published:
July 1, 2017
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Gary Stacey.
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Diurnal cycling of rhizosphere bacterial communities is associated with shifts in carbon metabolism. Staley C, Ferrieri AP, Tfaily MM, Cui Y, Chu RK, Wang P, Shaw JB, Ansong CK, Brewer H, Norbeck AD, Markillie M, do Amaral F, Tuleski T, Pellizzaro T, Agtuca B, Ferrieri R, Tringe SG, Paša-Tolić L, Stacey G, Sadowsky MJ. Microbiome; 5(1):65.
Date published:
June 24, 2017
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Gary Stacey.
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The oil-contaminated soil diazotroph Azoarcus olearius DQS-4ᵀ is genetically and phenotypically similar to the model grass endophyte Azoarcus sp. BH72. Faoro H, Rene Menegazzo R, Battistoni F, Gyaneshwar, do Amaral FP, Taulé C, Rausch S, Gonçalves Galvão P, de los Santos C, Mitra S, Heijo G, Sheu S-Y, Chen W-M, Marwque C, Zibetti Tadra-Sfeir M, Ivo Baldani J, Maluk M, Paula Guimarães A, Stacey G, de Souza EM, Pedrosa FO, Magalhães Cruz L, James EK. Environmental Microbiology Reports; 9(3):223-238.
Date published:
June 1, 2017
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Gary Stacey.
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Arabidopsis E3 ubiquitin ligase PLANT U-BOX13 (PUB13) regulates chitin receptor LYSIN MOTIF RECEPTOR KINASE5 (LYK5) protein abundance. Liao D, Cao Y, Sun X, Espinoza C, Nguyen CT, Liang Y, Stacey G. New Phytologist; 214(4):1646-1656.
Date published:
June 1, 2017
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Gary Stacey.
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Genetic dissection of the maize (Zea mays L.) MAMP response. Zhang X, Valdés-López O, Arellano, Stacey G, Balint-Kurti P. Theoretical and Applied Genetics; 130(6):1155-1168.
Date published:
June 1, 2017
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Gary Stacey.
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The Role of Plant Innate Immunity in the Legume-Rhizobium Symbiosis. Cao Y, Halane MK, Gassmann W, Stacey G. Annual Review of Plant Biology; 68:535-561.
Date published:
April 28, 2017
Featured in this article:
Walter Gassmann,
Gary Stacey.
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Divergent cytosine DNA methylation patterns in single-cell, soybean root hairs. Hossain MS, Kawakatsu T, Kim KD, Zhang N, Nguyen CT, Khan SM, Batek JM, Joshi T, Schmutz J, Grimwood J, Schmitz RJ, Xu D, Jackson SA, Ecker JR, Stacey G. New Phytologist; 214(2):808-819.
Date published:
April 1, 2017
Featured in this article:
Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Chitin receptor CERK1 links salt stress and chitin-triggered innate immunity in Arabidopsis. Espinoza C, Liang Y, Stacey G. Plant Journal; 89(5):984-995.
Date published:
March 1, 2017
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Gary Stacey.
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Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for Glycine max Metaphase Chromosomes. Findley SD, Birchler JA, Stacey G. Current protocols in plant biology; 2(1):89-107.
Date published:
March 1, 2017
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Gary Stacey.
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Metaphase Chromosome Preparation from Soybean (Glycine max) Root Tips. Findley SD, Birchler JA, Stacey G. Current protocols in plant biology; 2(1):78-88.
Date published:
March 1, 2017
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Gary Stacey.
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Molecular mechanism of plant recognition of extracellular ATP. Cho S-H, Nguyen CT, Choi J, Stacey G. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology; 1051:233-253.
Date published:
January 1, 2017
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Gary Stacey.
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Identification of homogentisate dioxygenase as a target for vitamin E biofortification in oilseeds. Stacey MG, Cahoon RE, Nguyen HT, Cui Y, Sato S, Nguyen CT, Phoka N, Clark KM, Liang Y, Forrester J, Batek J, Do PT, Sleper DA, Clemente TE, Cahoon EB, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 172(3):1506-1518.
Date published:
November 1, 2016
Featured in this article:
Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Computational analysis of the ligand binding site of the extracellular ATP receptor, DORN1. Nguyen CT, Tanaka K, Cao Y, Cho S-H, Xu D, Stacey G. PLoS ONE; 11(9):e0161894.
Date published:
September 1, 2016
Featured in this article:
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Soybean roots grown under heat stress show global changes in their transcriptional and proteomic profiles. Valdés-López O, Batek J, Gomez-Hernandez N, Nguyen CT, Isidra-Arellano MC, Zhang N, Joshi T, Xu D, Hixson KK, Weitz KK, Alrich JT, Paša-Tolić L, Stacey G. Frontiers in Plant Science; 7(APR2016):517.
Date published:
April 25, 2016
Featured in this article:
Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Differential growth responses of Brachypodium distachyon genotypes to inoculation with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. do Amaral FP, Pankievicz VCS, Arisi ACM, de Souza EM, Pedrosa F, Stacey G. Plant Molecular Biology; 90(6):689-697.
Date published:
April 1, 2016
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Gary Stacey.
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An Improved Transient Expression System Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts. Cao Y, Li H, Pham AQ, Stacey G. Current Protocols In Plant Biology; 1(2):285-291.
Date published:
March 1, 2016
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Gary Stacey.
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Identification and functional characterization of soybean root hair microRNAs expressed in response to Bradyrhizobium japonicum infection. Yan Z, Hossain MS, Valdés-López O, Hoang NT, Zhai J, Wang J, Liabault M, Brechenmacher L, Findley S, Joshi T, Qiu L, Sherrier DJ, Ji T, Meyers BC, Xu D, Stacey G. Plant Biotechnology Journal; 14(1):332-341.
Date published:
January 1, 2016
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Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Exploring soybean metabolic pathways based on probabilistic graphical model and knowledge-based methods. Hou J, Stacey G, Cheng J. Eurasip Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology; 2015(1):5.
Date published:
December 1, 2015
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Gary Stacey.
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Xyloglucan, galactomannan, glucuronoxylan, and rhamnogalacturonan I do not have identical structures in soybean root and root hair cell walls. Muszyński A, O'Neill MA, Ramasamy E, Pattathil S, Avci U, Peña MJ, Libault M, Hossain MS, Brechenmacher L, York WS, Barbosa RM, Hahn MG, Stacey G, Carlson RW. Planta; 242(5):1123-1138.
Date published:
November 22, 2015
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Gary Stacey.
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Identification of Soybean Proteins and Genes Differentially Regulated in Near Isogenic Lines Differing in Resistance to Aphid Infestation. Brechenmacher L, Nguyen THN, Zhang N, Jun T-H, Xu D, Mian MAR, Stacey G. Journal of Proteome Research; 14(10):4137-4146.
Date published:
October 2, 2015
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Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Effect of lipo-chitooligosaccharide on early growth of C4 grass seedlings. Tanaka K, Cho S-H, Lee H, Pham AQ, Batek JM, Cui S, Qiu J, Khan SM, Joshi T, Zhang ZT, Xu D, Stacey G. Journal of Experimental Botany; 66(19):5727-5738.
Date published:
September 1, 2015
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Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Identification of microRNAs and their mRNA targets during soybean nodule development: Functional analysis of the role of miR393j-3p in soybean nodulation. Yan Z, Hossain MS, Arikit S, Valdés-López O, Zhai J, Wang J, Libault M, Ji T, Qiu L, Meyers BC, Stacey G. New Phytologist; 207(3):748-759.
Date published:
August 1, 2015
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Gary Stacey.
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Does plant immunity play a critical role during initiation of the legume-rhizobium symbiosis?. Tóth K, Stacey G. Frontiers in Plant Science; 6(June):401.
Date published:
June 2, 2015
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Gary Stacey.
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System approaches to study root hairs as a single cell plant model: Current status and future perspectives. Hossain MS, Joshi T, Stacey G. Frontiers in Plant Science; 6(MAY):1-7.
Date published:
May 19, 2015
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Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey.
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Genome-wide analysis of mutations in a dwarf soybean mutant induced by fast neutron bombardment. Hwang WJ, Kim MY, Kang YJ, Shim S, Stacey MG, Stacey G, Lee S-H. Euphytica; 203(2):399-408.
Date published:
May 18, 2015
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Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Rhizobium-legume symbioses: The crucial role of plant immunity. Gourion B, Berrabah F, Ratet P, Stacey G. Trends in Plant Science; 20(3):186-194.
Date published:
March 1, 2015
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Gary Stacey.
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Robust biological nitrogen fixation in a model grass-bacterial association. Pankievicz VCS, Do Amaral FP, Santos KFDN, Agtuca B, Xu Y, Schueller MJ, Arisi ACM, Steffens MBR, De Souza EM, Pedrosa FO, Stacey G, Ferrieri RA. Plant Journal; 81(6):907-919.
Date published:
March 1, 2015
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Gary Stacey.
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Phytic acid and inorganic phosphate composition in soybean lines with independent IPK1 mutations. Vincent JA, Stacey M, Stacey G, Bilyeu KD. Plant Genome; 8(1).
Date published:
January 1, 2015
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Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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DNA microarray-based identification of genes regulated by NtrC in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Franck WL, Qiu J, Lee H-I, Chang W-S, Stacey G. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 81(16):5299-5308.
Date published:
January 1, 2015
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Gary Stacey.
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Role of Ectoapyrases in Nodulation. Tanaka K, Tóth K, Stacey G. Biological Nitrogen Fixation; 2-2:517-524.
Date published:
January 1, 2015
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Gary Stacey.
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Extracellular ATP, a danger signal, is recognized by DORN1 in Arabidopsis. Choi J, Tanaka K, Liang Y, Cao Y, Lee SY, Stacey G. Biochemical Journal; 463(3):429-437.
Date published:
November 1, 2014
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Gary Stacey.
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Interfacing Whispering Gallery Mode optical microresonator biosensors with the plant defense elicitor chitin. Dahmen JL, Yang Y, Greenlief CM, Stacey G, Hunt HK. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces; 122:241-249.
Date published:
October 1, 2014
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Gary Stacey.
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Extracellular ATP acts as a damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) signal in plants. Tanaka K, Choi J, Cao Y, Stacey G. Frontiers in Plant Science; 5(SEP):446.
Date published:
September 3, 2014
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Gary Stacey.
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OPT3 is a component of the iron-signaling network between leaves and roots and misregulation of OPT3 leads to an over-accumulation of cadmium in seeds. Mendoza-Cózatl DG, Xie Q, Akmakjian GZ, Jobe TO, Patel A, Stacey MG, Song L, Demoin DW, Jurisson SS, Stacey G, Schroeder JI. Molecular Plant; 7(9):1455-1469.
Date published:
September 1, 2014
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David Mendoza-Cózatl,
Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Extracellular ATP is a central signaling molecule in plant stress responses. Cao Y, Tanaka A, Nguyen CT, Stacey G. Current Opinion in Plant Biology; 20:82-87.
Date published:
August 1, 2014
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Gary Stacey.
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LIK1, a CERK1-interacting kinase, regulates plant immune responses in arabidopsis. Le MH, Cao Y, Zhang X-C, Stacey G. PLoS ONE; 9(7):e102245.
Date published:
July 18, 2014
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Gary Stacey.
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Genotypic variation of gene expression during the soybean innate immunity response. Valdés-López O, Khan SM, Schmitz RJ, Cui S, Qiu J, Joshi T, Xu D, Diers B, Ecker JR, Stacey G. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterisation and Utilisation; 12(SUPPL.1):S27-S30.
Date published:
July 1, 2014
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Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Comparative transcriptomic analysis of symbiotic Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Franck S, Franck WL, Birke SR, Chang W-S, Sangurdekar DP, Cytryn E, Joshi T, Sadowsky M, Stacey G, Xu D, Emerich DW. Symbiosis; 63(3):123-135.
Date published:
July 1, 2014
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Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey,
Dong Xu.
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Deletions of the SACPD-C locus elevate seed stearic acid levels but also result in fatty acid and morphological alterations in nitrogen fixing nodules. Gillman JD, Stacey MG, Cui Y, Berg HR, Stacey G. BMC Plant Biology; 14(1):143.
Date published:
May 27, 2014
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Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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A soybean acyl carrier protein, GmACP, Is important for root nodule symbiosis. Wang J, Tóth K, Tanaka K, Nguyen CT, Yan Z, Brechenmacher L, Dahmen J, Chen M, Thelen JJ, Qiu L, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 27(5):415-423.
Date published:
May 1, 2014
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Jay Thelen,
Gary Stacey.
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Soybean ureases, but not that of bradyrhizobium japonicum, are involved in the process of soybean root nodulation. Medeiros-Silva M, Franck WL, Borba MP, Pizzato SB, Stodtman KN, Emerich DW, Stacey G, Polacco JC, Carlini CR. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry; 62(16):3517-3524.
Date published:
April 23, 2014
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Gary Stacey.
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Soybean knowledge base (SoyKB): A web resource for integration of soybean translational genomics and molecular breeding. Joshi T, Fitzpatrick MR, Chen S, Liu Y, Zhang H, Endacott RZ, Gaudiello EC, Stacey G, Nguyen HT, Xu D. Nucleic Acids Research; 42(D1):D1245-D1252.
Date published:
January 1, 2014
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Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey,
Dong Xu.
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Identification of a plant receptor for extracellular ATP. Choi J, Tanaka K, Cao Y, Qi Y, Qiu J, Liang Y, Lee SY, Stacey G. Science; 343(6168):290-294.
Date published:
January 1, 2014
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Gary Stacey.
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Lipochitooligosaccharide recognition: An ancient story. Liang Y, Tóth K, Cao Y, Tanaka K, Espinoza C, Stacey G. Journal of Physiology; 204(2):289-296.
Date published:
January 1, 2014
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Gary Stacey.
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An atlas of soybean small RNAs identifies phased siRNAs from hundreds of coding genes. Arikit S, Xia R, Kakrana A, Huang K, Zhai J, Yan Z, Valdés-López O, Prince S, Musket TA, Nguyen HT, Stacey G, Meyers BC. Plant Cell; 26(12):4584-4601.
Date published:
January 1, 2014
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Gary Stacey.
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The kinase LYK5 is a major chitin receptor in Arabidopsis and forms a chitin-induced complex with related kinase CERK1. Cao Y, Liang Y, Tanaka K, Nguyen CT, Jedrzejczak RP, Joachimiak A, Stacey G. eLife; 3:e03766.
Date published:
January 1, 2014
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Gary Stacey.
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Soybean knowledge base (SoyKB): Bridging the gap between soybean translational genomics and breeding. Joshi T, Fitzpatrick MR, Chen S, Liu Y, Zhang H, Endacott RZ, Gaudiello EC, Stacey G, Nguyen HT, Xu D. Proceedings - 2013 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, IEEE BIBM 2013; 42-44.
Date published:
December 18, 2013
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Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey,
Dong Xu.
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miR172 regulates soybean nodulation. Yan Z, Hossain MS, Wang J, Valdés-López O, Liang Y, Libault M, Qiu L, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 26(12):1371-1377.
Date published:
December 1, 2013
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Gary Stacey.
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Epigenome-wide inheritance of cytosine methylation variants in a recombinant inbred population. Schmitz RJ, He Y, Valdés-López O, Khan SM, Joshi T, Urich MA, Nery JR, Diers B, Xu D, Stacey G, Ecker JR. Genome Research; 23(10):1663-1674.
Date published:
October 1, 2013
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Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Predicting gene regulatory networks of soybean nodulation from RNA-Seq transcriptome data. Zhu M, Dahmen JL, Stacey G, Cheng J. BMC Bioinformatics; 14(1):278.
Date published:
September 22, 2013
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Gary Stacey.
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Current and emerging analytical technologies for analyzing chitin-protein binding interactions. Dahmen JL, Stacey G, Hunt HK. Reviews in Analytical Chemistry; 32(1):35-53.
Date published:
February 1, 2013
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Gary Stacey.
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Tnt1 retrotransposon mutagenesis: A tool for soybean functional genomics. Cui Y, Barampuram S, Stacey MG, Nathan Hancock C, Findley S, Mathieu M, Zhang Z, Parrott WA, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 161(1):36-47.
Date published:
January 1, 2013
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Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Shoot to root communication is necessary to control the expression of iron-acquisition genes in Strategy I plants. García MJ, Romera FJ, Stacey MG, Stacey G, Villar E, Alcántara E, Pérez-Vicente R. Planta; 237(1):65-75.
Date published:
January 1, 2013
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Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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The fate of duplicated genes in a polyploid plant genome. Roulin A, Auer PL, Libault M, Schlueter J, Farmer A, May G, Stacey G, Doerge RW, Jackson SA. Plant Journal; 73(1):143-153.
Date published:
January 1, 2013
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Gary Stacey.
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Role of LysM receptors in chitin-triggered plant innate immunity. Tanaka K, Nguyen CT, Liang Y, Cao Y, Stacey G. Plant Signaling and Behavior; 8(1):147-153.
Date published:
January 1, 2013
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Gary Stacey.
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Nonlegumes respond to rhizobial nod factors by suppressing the innate immune response. Liang Y, Cao Y, Tanaka K, Thibivilliers S, Wan J, Choi J, Kang CH, Qiu J, Stacey G. Science; 341(6152):1384-1387.
Date published:
January 1, 2013
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Gary Stacey.
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Aequorin luminescence-based functional calcium assay for heterotrimeric G-proteins in arabidopsis. Tanaka K, Choi J, Stacey G. Methods in Molecular Biology; 1043:45-54.
Date published:
January 1, 2013
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Gary Stacey.
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14-3-3 proteins SGF14C and SGF14L play critical roles during soybean nodulation. Radwan O, Wu X, Govindarajulu M, Libault M, Neece DJ, Oh M-H, Berg RH, Stacey G, Taylor CG, Huber SC, Clough SJ. Plant Physiology; 160(4):2125-2136.
Date published:
December 1, 2012
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Gary Stacey.
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Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis of soybean root hairs inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Nguyen THN, Brechenmacher L, Aldrich JT, Clauss TR, Gritsenko MA, Hixson KK, Libault M, Tanaka K, Yang F, Yao Q, Paša-Tolić L, Xu D, Nguyen HT, Stacey G. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics; 11(11):1140-1155.
Date published:
November 1, 2012
Featured in this article:
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Identification of soybean proteins from a single cell type: The root hair. Brechenmacher L, Nguyen THN, Hixson K, Libault M, Aldrich J, Pasa-Tolic L, Stacey G. Proteomics; 12(22):3365-3373.
Date published:
November 1, 2012
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Gary Stacey.
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LYK4, a lysin motif receptor-like kinase, is important for chitin signaling and plant innate immunity in Arabidopsis. Wan J, Tanaka K, Zhang X-C, Son GH, Brechenmacher L, Nguyen THN, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 160(1):396-406.
Date published:
September 1, 2012
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Gary Stacey.
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Reconstructing differentially co-expressed gene modules and regulatory networks of soybean cells. Zhu M, Deng X, Joshi T, Xu D, Stacey G, Cheng J. BMC Genomics; 13(1):437.
Date published:
August 31, 2012
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Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Integration of the draft sequence and physical map as a framework for genomic research in soybean (glycine max (l.) merr.) and wild soybean (glycine soja sieb. and zucc.). Ha J, Abernathy B, Nelson W, Grant D, Wu X, Nguyen HT, Stacey G, Yu Y, Wing RA, Shoemaker RC, Jackson SA. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics; 2(3):321-329.
Date published:
March 1, 2012
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Gary Stacey.
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Nucleotide polymorphism in the 5.8S nrDNA gene and internal transcribed spacers in Phakopsora pachyrhizi viewed from structural models. Freire MCM, Silva MRD, Zhang X, Almeida ÁMR, Stacey G, Oliveira LOD. Fungal Genetics and Biology; 49(2):95-100.
Date published:
February 1, 2012
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Gary Stacey.
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Soybean knowledge base (SoyKB): A web resource for soybean translational genomics. Joshi T, Patil K, Fitzpatrick MR, Franklin LD, Yao Q, Cook JR, Wang Z, Libault M, Brechenmacher L, Valliyodan B, Wu X, Cheng J, Stacey G, Nguyen HT, Xu D. Series on Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology; 13:S15.
Date published:
January 17, 2012
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Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey,
Dong Xu.
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Ethylene-responsive element-binding factor 5, ERF5, is involved in chitin-induced innate immunity response. Son GH, Wan J, Kim HJ, Nguyen XC, Chung WS, Hong JC, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 25(1):48-60.
Date published:
January 1, 2012
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Gary Stacey.
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Evolutionary dynamics of protein domain architecture in plants. Zhang X-C, Wang Z, Zhang X, Le MH, Sun J, Xu D, Cheng J, Stacey G. BMC Evolutionary Biology; 12(1):6.
Date published:
January 1, 2012
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Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Genetic diversity and origins of Phakopsora pachyrhizi isolates in the United States. Zhang XC, Freire MCM, Le MH, De Oliveira LO, Pitkin JW, Segers G, Concibido VC, Baley GJ, Hartman GL, Upchurch G, Pedley KF, Stacey G. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology; 6(3):52-65.
Date published:
January 1, 2012
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Gary Stacey.
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Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling gene expression during the innate immunity response of soybean. Valdés-López O, Thibivilliers S, Qiu J, Xu WW, Nguyen THN, Libault M, Le BH, Goldberg RB, Hill CB, Hartman GL, Diers B, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 157(4):1975-1986.
Date published:
December 1, 2011
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Gary Stacey.
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MicroRNAs as master regulators of the plant NB-LRR defense gene family via the production of phased, trans-acting siRNAs. Zhai J, Jeong D-H, de Paoli E, Park S, Rosen BD, Li Y, González AJ, Yan Z, Kitto SL, Grusak MA, Jackson SA, Stacey G, Cook DR, Green PJ, Sherrier DJ, Meyers BC. Genes and Development; 25(23):2540-2553.
Date published:
December 1, 2011
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Gary Stacey.
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Activity-based metagenomic screening and biochemical characterization of bovine ruminal protozoan glycoside hydrolases. Findley SD, Mormile MR, Sommer-Hurley A, Zhang X-C, Tipton P, Arnett K, Porter JH, Kerley M, Stacey G. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 77(22):8106-8113.
Date published:
November 1, 2011
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Gary Stacey.
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Bacterial outer membrane channel for divalent metal ion acquisition. Hohle TH, Franck WL, Stacey G, O'Brian MR. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 108(37):15390-15395.
Date published:
September 13, 2011
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Gary Stacey.
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A Dual-targeted soybean protein is involved in Bradyrhizobium japonicum infection of soybean root hair and cortical cells. Libault M, Govindarajulu M, Berg RH, Ong YT, Puricelli K, Taylor CG, Xu D, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 24(9):1051-1060.
Date published:
September 1, 2011
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Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Phenology-based assessment of perennial energy crops in North American tallgrass prairie. Wang C, Fritschi FB, Stacey G, Yang Z. Annals of the Association of American Geographers; 101(4):742-751.
Date published:
July 1, 2011
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Gary Stacey.
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Fluorescence in situ hybridization-based karyotyping of soybean translocation lines. Findley SD, Pappas AL, Cui Y, Birchler JA, Palmer RJ, Stacey G. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics; 1(2):117-129.
Date published:
July 1, 2011
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Gary Stacey.
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Phenotypic and genomic analyses of a fast neutron mutant population resource in soybean. Bolon Y-T, Haun WJ, Xu WW, Grant D, Stacey MG, Nelson RT, Gerhardt DJ, Jeddeloh JA, Stacey G, Muehlbauer GJ, Orf JH, Naeve SL, Stupar RM, Vance CP. Plant Physiology; 156(1):240-253.
Date published:
May 1, 2011
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Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Enzymatic activity of the soybean ecto-apyrase GS52 is essential for stimulation of nodulation. Tanaka K, Nguyen CT, Libault M, Cheng J, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 155(4):1988-1998.
Date published:
April 1, 2011
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Gary Stacey.
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Enzymatic role for soybean ecto-apyrase in nodulation. Tanaka K, Nguyen THN, Stacey G. Plant Signaling and Behavior; 6(7):1034-1036.
Date published:
January 1, 2011
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Gary Stacey.
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A protein domain Co-occurrence network approach for predicting protein function and inferring species phylogeny. Wang Z, Zhang X-C, Le MH, Xu D, Stacey G, Cheng J. PLoS ONE; 6(3):e17906.
Date published:
January 1, 2011
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Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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SoyMetDB: The Soybean Metabolome Database. Joshi T, Yao Q, Franklin LD, Brechenmacher L, Valliyodan B, Stacey G, Nguyen H, Xu D. Proceedings - 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2010; 203-208.
Date published:
December 18, 2010
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Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey,
Dong Xu.
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Root hair systems biology. Libault M, Brechenmacher L, Cheng J, Xu D, Stacey G. Trends in Plant Science; 15(11):641-650.
Date published:
November 1, 2010
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Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Extracellular ATP signaling in plants. Tanaka K, Gilroy S, Jones AM, Stacey G. Trends in Cell Biology; 20(10):601-608.
Date published:
October 1, 2010
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Gary Stacey.
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Combinatorial selected peptides for protection of soybean against Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Fang ZD, Marois JJ, Stacey G, Schoelz JE, English JT, Schmidt FJ. Phytopathology; 100(10):1111-1117.
Date published:
October 1, 2010
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Gary Stacey.
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Evolution of FW2.2-like (FWL) and PLAC8 genes in eukaryotes. Libault M, Stacey G. Plant Signaling and Behavior; 5(10):1226-1228.
Date published:
October 1, 2010
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Gary Stacey.
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Soybean metabolites regulated in root hairs in response to the symbiotic bacterium Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Brechenmacher L, Lei Z, Libault M, Findley S, Sugawara M, Sadowsky MJ, Sumner LW, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 153(4):1808-1822.
Date published:
August 1, 2010
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Lloyd Sumner,
Gary Stacey.
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An integrated transcriptome atlas of the crop model Glycine max, and its use in comparative analyses in plants. Libault M, Farmer A, Joshi T, Takahashi K, Langley RJ, Franklin LD, He J, Xu D, May G, Stacey G. Plant Journal; 63(1):86-99.
Date published:
July 1, 2010
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Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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A fluorescence in Situ hybridization system for karyotyping soybean. Findley SD, Cannon S, Varala K, Du J, Ma J, Hudson ME, Birchler JA, Stacey G. Genetics; 185(3):727-744.
Date published:
July 1, 2010
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Gary Stacey.
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A member of the highly conserved FWL (tomato FW2.2-like) gene family is essential for soybean nodule organogenesis. Libault M, Zhang X-C, Govindarajulu M, Qiu J, Ong YT, Brechenmacher L, Berg RH, Hurley-Sommer A, Taylor CG, Stacey G. Plant Journal; 62(5):852-864.
Date published:
June 1, 2010
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Gary Stacey.
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Erratum: Genome sequence of the palaeopolyploid soybean (Nature (2010) 463 (178-183)). Schmutz J, Cannon SB, Schlueter J, Ma J, Mitros T, Nelson W, Hyten DL, Song Q, Thelen JJ, Cheng J, Xu D, Hellsten U, May GD, Yu Y, Skaurai T, Umezawa T, Bhattacharyya MK, Sandhu D, Valliyodan B, Lindquist E, Peto M, Grant D, Shu S, Goodstein D, Barry K, Futrell-Griggs M, Abernathy B, Du J, Tian Z, Zhu L, Gill N, Joshi T, Libault M, Sethuraman A, Zhang X-C, Shinozaki K, Nguyen HT, Wing RA, Cregan P, Specht J, Grimwood J, Rokhsar D, Stacey G, Shoemaker RC, Jackson SA. Nature; 465(7294):120.
Date published:
May 6, 2010
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Jay Thelen,
Dong Xu,
Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey.
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Complete transcriptome of the soybean root hair cell, a single-cell model, and its alteration in response to Bradyrhizobium japonicum infection. Libault M, Farmer A, Brechenmacher L, Drnevich J, Langley RJ, Bilgin DD, Radwan O, Neece DJ, Clough SJ, May GD, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 152(2):541-552.
Date published:
February 1, 2010
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Gary Stacey.
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Prediction of novel miRNAs and associated target genes in Glycine max. Joshi T, Yan Z, Libault M, Jeong D-H, Park S, Green PJ, Sherrier DJ, Farmer A, May G, Meyers BC, Xu D, Stacey G. BMC Bioinformatics; 11(SUPPLL.1):S14.
Date published:
January 18, 2010
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Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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SoyDB: A knowledge database of soybean transcription factors. Wang Z, Libault M, Joshi T, Valliyodan B, Nguyen HT, Xu D, Stacey G, Cheng J. BMC Plant Biology; 10:14.
Date published:
January 18, 2010
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Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Genome sequence of the palaeopolyploid soybean. Schmutz J, Cannon SB, Schlueter J, Ma J, Mitros T, Nelson W, Hyten DL, Song Q, Thelen JJ, Cheng J, Xu D, Hellsten U, May GD, Yu Y, Skaurai T, Umezawa T, Bhattacharyya MK, Sandhu D, Valliyodan B, Lindquist E, Peto M, Grant D, Shu S, Goodstein D, Barry K, Futrell-Griggs M, Abernathy B, Du J, Tian Z, Zhu L, Gill N, Joshi T, Libault M, Sethuraman A, Zhang X-C, Shinozaki K, Nguyen HT, Wing RA, Cregan P, Specht J, Grimwood J, Rokhsar D, Stacey G, Shoemaker RC, Jackson SA. Nature; 463(7278):178-183.
Date published:
January 14, 2010
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Jay Thelen,
Dong Xu,
Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey.
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Soybean root hairs: A valuable system to investigate plant biology at the cellular level. Libault M, Farmer A, Brechenmacher L, May GD, Stacey G. Plant Signaling and Behavior; 5(4):419-421.
Date published:
January 1, 2010
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Gary Stacey.
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Extracellular nucleotides elicit cytosolic free calcium oscillations in arabidopsis. Tanaka K, Swanson SJ, Gilroy S, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 154(2):705-719.
Date published:
January 1, 2010
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Gary Stacey.
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Molecular and chromosomal evidence for allopolyploidy in soybean. Gill N, Findley S, Walling JG, Hans C, Ma J, Doyle J, Stacey G, Jackson SA. Plant Physiology; 151(3):1167-1174.
Date published:
November 9, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Arabidopsis OPT6 is an oligopeptide transporter with exceptionally broad substrate specificity. Pike S, Patel A, Stacey G, Gassmann W. Plant and Cell Physiology; 50(11):1923-1932.
Date published:
November 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey,
Walter Gassmann.
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Legume transcription factor genes: What makes legumes so special?. Libault M, Joshi T, Benedito VA, Xu D, Udvardi MK, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 151(3):991-1001.
Date published:
November 1, 2009
Featured in this article:
Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Large-scale analysis of putative soybean regulatory gene expression identifies a Myb gene involved in soybean nodule development. Libault M, Joshi T, Takahashi K, Hurley-Sommer A, Puricelli K, Blake S, Finger RE, Taylor CS, Xu D, Nguyen HT, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 151(3):1207-1220.
Date published:
November 1, 2009
Featured in this article:
Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Two MATE proteins play a role in iron efficiency in soybean. Rogers EE, Wu X, Stacey G, Nguyen HT. Journal of Plant Physiology; 166(13):1453-1459.
Date published:
September 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Touch induces ATP release in Arabidopsis roots that is modulated by the heterotrimeric G-protein complex. Weerasinghe RR, Swanson SJ, Okada SF, Garrett MB, Kim S-Y, Stacey G, Boucher RC, Gilroy S, Jones AM. FEBS Letters; 583(15):2521-2526.
Date published:
August 6, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Ethylene insensitivity conferred by a mutated arabidopsis ethylene receptor gene alters nodulation in transgenic lotus japonicus. Lohar D, Stiller J, Kam J, Stacey G, Gresshoff PM. Annals of Botany; 104(2):277-285.
Date published:
August 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Erratum: Flavones and flavonols play distinct critical roles during nodulation of Medicago truncatula by Sinorhizobium meliloti (Plant Journal (2009) 57 (171-183)). Zhang J, Subramanian S, Stacey G, Yu O. Plant Journal; 58(3):538.
Date published:
May 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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The changing landscape of European and international regulation on embryonic stem cell research. Elstner A, Damaschun A, Kurtz A, Stacey G, Arán B, Veiga A, Borstlap J. Stem Cell Research; 2(2):101-107.
Date published:
March 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Establishment of a protein reference map for soybean root hair cells. Brechenmacher L, Lee J, Sachdev S, Song Z, Nguyen THN, Joshi T, Oehrle N, Libault M, Mooney B, Xu D, Cooper B, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 149(2):670-682.
Date published:
February 1, 2009
Featured in this article:
Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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GS52 ecto-apyrase plays a critical role during soybean nodulation. Govindarajulu M, Kim S-Y, Libault M, Berg RH, Tanaka K, Stacey G, Taylor CG. Plant Physiology; 149(2):994-1004.
Date published:
February 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Generation of Phaseolus vulgaris ESTs and investigation of their regulation upon Uromyces appendiculatus infection. Thibivilliers S, Joshi T, Campbell KB, Scheffler B, Xu D, Cooper B, Nguyen HT, Stacey G. BMC Plant Biology; 9:46.
Date published:
January 1, 2009
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Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Establishment of a soybean (Glycine max Merr. L) transposon-based mutagenesis repository. Mathieu M, Winters EK, Kong F, Wan J, Wang S, Eckert H, Luth D, Paz M, Donovan C, Zhang Z, Somers D, Wang K, Nguyen H, Shoemaker RC, Stacey G, Clemente T. Planta; 229(2):279-289.
Date published:
January 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Flavones and flavonols play distinct critical roles during nodulation of Medicago truncatula by Sinorhizobium meliloti. Zhang J, Subramanian S, Stacey G, Yu O. Plant Journal; 57(1):171-183.
Date published:
January 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Quantitative proteomic analysis of bean plants infected by a virulent and avirulent obligate rust fungus. Lee J, Feng J, Campbell KB, Scheffler BE, Garrett WM, Thibivilliers S, Stacey G, Naiman DQ, Tucker ML, Pastor-Corrales MA, Cooper B. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics; 8(1):19-31.
Date published:
January 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Evolutionary genomics of LysM genes in land plants. Zhang X-C, Cannon SB, Stacey G. BMC Evolutionary Biology; 9(1):183.
Date published:
January 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Genetic analysis of ethylene regulation of legume nodulation. Gresshoff PM, Lohar D, Chan P-K, Biswas B, Jiang Q, Reid D, Ferguson B, Stacey G. Plant Signaling and Behavior; 4(9):818-823.
Date published:
January 1, 2009
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Gary Stacey.
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Chitin signaling and plant disease resistance. Wan J, Zhang X-C, Stacey G. Plant Signaling and Behavior; 3(10):831-833.
Date published:
October 1, 2008
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Gary Stacey.
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Whole-genome transcriptional profiling of Bradyrhizobium japonicum during chemoautotrophic growth. Franck WL, Chang W-S, Qiu J, Sugawara M, Sadowsky MJ, Smith SA, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 190(20):6697-6705.
Date published:
October 1, 2008
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Gary Stacey.
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A lectin receptor-like kinase is required for pollen development in Arabidopsis. Wan J, Patel A, Mathieu M, Kim S-Y, Xu D, Stacey G. Plant Molecular Biology; 67(5):469-482.
Date published:
July 1, 2008
Featured in this article:
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Transcription profiling of soybean nodulation by Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Brechenmacher L, Kim M-Y, Benitez M, Li M, Joshi T, Calla B, Mei PL, Libault M, Vodkin LO, Xu D, Lee S-H, Clough SJ, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 21(5):631-645.
Date published:
May 1, 2008
Featured in this article:
Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Microsatellite discovery from BAC end sequences and genetic mapping to anchor the soybean physical and genetic maps. Shoemaker RC, Grant D, Olson T, Warren WC, Wing R, Yu Y, Kim H, Cregan P, Joseph B, Futrell-Griggs M, Nelson W, Davito J, Walker J, Wallis J, Kremitski C, Scheer D, Clifton SW, Graves T, Nguyen H, Wu X, Luo M, Dvorak J, Nelson R, Cannon S, Tomkins J, Schmutz J, Stacey G, Jackson S. Genome; 51(4):294-302.
Date published:
April 1, 2008
Featured in this article:
Wes Warren,
Gary Stacey.
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The arabidopsis AtOPT3 protein functions in metal homeostasis and movement of iron to developing seeds. Stacey MG, Patel A, McClain WE, Mathieu M, Remley M, Rogers EE, Gassmann W, Blevins DG, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 146(2):589-601.
Date published:
February 1, 2008
Featured in this article:
Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Walter Gassmann,
Gary Stacey.
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A LysM receptor-like kinase plays a critical role in chitin signaling and fungal resistance in Arabidopsis. Wan J, Zhang X-C, Neece D, Ramonell KM, Clough S, Kim S-Y, Stacey MG, Stacey G. Plant Cell; 20(2):471-481.
Date published:
February 1, 2008
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Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Genetic marker anchoring by six-dimensional pools for development of a soybean physical map. Wu X, Zhong G, Findley SD, Cregan P, Stacey G, Nguyen HT. BMC Genomics; 9:28.
Date published:
January 22, 2008
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Gary Stacey.
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Development of a European Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry. Borstlap J, Kurtz A, Stacey G, Elstner A, Damaschun A, Arán B, Gerlach JC, Izpisúa JC, Veiga A. Regenerative Medicine; 3(6):945-951.
Date published:
January 1, 2008
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Gary Stacey.
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Transcriptional and physiological responses of Bradyrhizobium japonicum to desiccation-induced stress (Journal of Bacteriology (2007) 189, 19, (6751-6752)). Cytryn EJ, Sangurdekar DP, Streeter JG, Frank WL, Chang W-S, Stacey G, Emerich DW, Joshi T, Xu D, Sadowsky MJ. Journal of Bacteriology; 189(24):9150.
Date published:
December 1, 2007
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey,
Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu.
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An oligonucleotide microarray resource for transcriptional profiling of bradyrhizobium japonicum. Chang W-S, Frank WL, Cytryn E, Jeong S, Joshi T, Emerich DW, Sadowsky MJ, Xu D, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 20(10):1298-1307.
Date published:
October 1, 2007
Featured in this article:
Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Transcriptional and physiological responses of Bradyrhizobium japonicum to desiccation-induced stress. Cytryn EJ, Sangurdekar DP, Streeter JG, Frank WL, Chang W-S, Stacey G, Emerich DW, Joshi T, Xu D, Sadowsky MJ. Journal of Bacteriology; 189(19):6751-6762.
Date published:
October 1, 2007
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Gary Stacey,
Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu.
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Identification of 118 Arabidopsis transcription factor and 30 ubiquitin-ligase genes responding to chitin, a plant-defense elicitor. Libault M, Wan J, Czechowski T, Udvardi M, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 20(8):900-911.
Date published:
August 1, 2007
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Gary Stacey.
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Distinct, crucial roles of flavonoids during legume nodulation. Subramaniam S, Stacey G, Yu O. Trends in Plant Science; 12(7):282-285.
Date published:
July 1, 2007
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Gary Stacey.
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Molecular evolution of lysin motif-type receptor-like kinases in plants. Zhang X-C, Wu X, Findley S, Wan J, Libault M, Nguyen HT, Cannon SB, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 144(2):623-636.
Date published:
June 1, 2007
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Gary Stacey.
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Legumes symbioses: Absence of Nod genes in photosynthetic bradyrhizobia. Giraud E, Moulin L, Vallenet D, Barbe V, Cytryn E, Avarre J-C, Jaubert M, Simon D, Cartieaux F, Prin Y, Bena G, Hanninal L, Fardoux J, Kojadinovic M, Vuillet L, Lajus A, Cruveiller S, Rouy Z, Mangenot S, Segurens B, Dossat C, Frank WL, Chang W-S, Saunders E, Bruce D, Richardson P, Normand P, Dreyfus B, Pignol D, Stacey G, Emerich D, Verméglio A, Médigue C, Sadowsky M. Science; 316(5829):1307-1312.
Date published:
June 1, 2007
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Gary Stacey.
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Bioinformatics Analyses of Arabidopsis thaliana Tiling Array Expression Data. Joshi T, Wan J, Palm CJ, Juneau K, Davis R, Southwick A, Ramonell KM, Stacey G, Xu D. Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics: Techniques, Methods, and Applications; 57-70.
Date published:
May 23, 2007
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Trupti Joshi,
Gary Stacey,
Dong Xu.
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Development and assessment of scoring functions for protein identification using PMF data. Zhao S, Chen L, Ganapathy A, Wan X-F, Brechenmacher L, Tao N, Emerich D, Stacey G, Xu D. Electrophoresis; 28(5):864-870.
Date published:
March 1, 2007
Featured in this article:
XiuFeng “Henry” Wan,
Gary Stacey,
Dong Xu.
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The Rhizobium-Legume Nitrogen-Fixing Symbiosis. Stacey G. Biology of the Nitrogen Cycle; 147-163.
Date published:
January 1, 2007
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Gary Stacey.
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Toward a reference sequence of the soybean genome: A multiagency effort. Jackson SA, Rokhsar D, Stacey G, Shoemaker RC, Schmutz J, Grimwood J. Crop Science; 46(SUPPL. 1):S-55-S-61.
Date published:
December 1, 2006
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Gary Stacey.
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Extracellular ATP in plants. Visualization, localization, and analysis of physiological significance in growth and signaling. Kim S-Y, Sivaguru M, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 142(3):984-992.
Date published:
November 1, 2006
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Gary Stacey.
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Endogenous isoflavones are essential for the establishment of symbiosis between soybean and Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Subramaniam S, Stacey G, Yu O. Plant Journal; 48(2):261-273.
Date published:
October 1, 2006
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Gary Stacey.
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Comparative analysis of HIV-1 recombinant envelope glycoproteins from different culture systems. Jeffs SA, Goriup S, Stacey G, Yuen C-T, Holmes H. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology; 72(2):279-290.
Date published:
September 1, 2006
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Gary Stacey.
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Effects of endogenous salicylic acid on nodulation in the model legumes Lotus japonicus and Medicago truncatula. Stacey G, McAlvin CB, Kim S-Y, Olivares J, Soto MJ. Plant Physiology; 141(4):1473-1481.
Date published:
August 1, 2006
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Gary Stacey.
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Genetics and functional genomics of legume nodulation. Stacey G, Libault M, Brechenmacher L, Wan J, May GD. Current Opinion in Plant Biology; 9(2):110-121.
Date published:
April 1, 2006
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Gary Stacey.
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Expression analyses of Arabidopsis oligopeptide transporters during seed germination, vegetative growth and reproduction. Stacey MG, Osawa H, Patel A, Gassmann W, Stacey G. Planta; 223(2):291-305.
Date published:
January 1, 2006
Featured in this article:
Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Walter Gassmann,
Gary Stacey.
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ScOPT1 and AtOPT4 function as proton-coupled oligopeptide transporters with broad but distinct substrate specificities. Osawa H, Stacey G, Gassmann W. Biochemical Journal; 393(1):267-275.
Date published:
January 1, 2006
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey,
Walter Gassmann.
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Survey sequencing of soybean elucidates the genome structure, composition and identifies novel repeats. Nunberg A, Bedell JA, Budiman MA, Citek RW, Clifton SW, Fulton L, Pape D, Cai Z, Joshi T, Nguyen H, Xu D, Stacey G. Functional Plant Biology; 33(8):765-773.
Date published:
January 1, 2006
Featured in this article:
Trupti Joshi,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Expression of the legume symbiotic lectin genes psl and gs52 promotes rhizobial colonization of roots in rice. Sreevidya VS, Hernandez-Oane RJ, So RB, Sullia SB, Stacey G, Ladha JK, Reddy PM. Plant Science; 169(4):726-736.
Date published:
October 1, 2005
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Gary Stacey.
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Assessment of mumps virus growth on various continuous cell lines by virological, immunological, molecular and morphological investigations. Afzal MA, Dussupt V, Minor PD, Pipkin PA, Fleck R, Hockley DJ, Stacey GN. Journal of Virological Methods; 126(1-2):149-156.
Date published:
June 1, 2005
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Gary Stacey.
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Proteomic analysis of soybean root hairs after infection by Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Wan J, Torres M, Ganapathy A, Thelen J, DaGue BB, Mooney B, Xu D, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 18(5):458-467.
Date published:
May 1, 2005
Featured in this article:
Jay Thelen,
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Transgenic expression of the soybean apyrase in Lotus japonicus enhances nodulation. McAlvin CB, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 137(4):1456-1462.
Date published:
January 1, 2005
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Gary Stacey.
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“Translational” legume biology. Models to crops. Stacey G, VandenBosch K. Plant Physiology; 137(4):1173.
Date published:
January 1, 2005
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Gary Stacey.
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Loss-of-function mutations in chitin responsive genes show increased susceptibility to the powdery mildew pathogen Erysiphe cichoracearum. Ramonell K, Berrocal-Lobo M, Koh S, Wan J, Edwards H, Stacey G, Somerville S. Plant Physiology; 138(2):1027-1036.
Date published:
January 1, 2005
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Gary Stacey.
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Statistical assessment for mass-spec protein identification using peptide fingerprinting approach. Ganapathy A, Wan X-F, Wan J, Thelen J, Emerich DW, Stacey G, Xu D. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings; 26 IV:3051-3054.
Date published:
September 1, 2004
Featured in this article:
XiuFeng “Henry” Wan,
Jay Thelen,
Gary Stacey,
Dong Xu.
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Mechanisms and functional properties of two peptide transporters, AtPTR2 and fPTR2. Chiang C-S, Stacey G, Tsay Y-F. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 279(29):30150-30157.
Date published:
July 16, 2004
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Gary Stacey.
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National Science Foundation-sponsored workshop report. Draft plan for soybean genomics. Stacey G, Vodkin L, Parrott WA, Shoemaker RC. Plant Physiology; 135(1):59-70.
Date published:
May 1, 2004
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Gary Stacey.
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Activation of a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in Arabidopsis by chitin. Wan J, Zhang S, Stacey G. Molecular Plant Pathology; 5(2):125-135.
Date published:
March 1, 2004
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Gary Stacey.
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NopL, an Effector Protein of Rhizobium sp. NGR234, Thwarts Activation of Plant Defense Reactions. Bartsev AV, Deakin WJ, Boukli NM, McAlvin CB, Stacey G, Malnoë P, Broughton WJ, Staehelin C. Plant Physiology; 134(2):871-879.
Date published:
February 1, 2004
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Gary Stacey.
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Evolution and microsynteny of the apyrase gene family in three legume genomes. Cannon SB, McCombie WR, Sato S, Tabata S, Denny R, Palmer L, Katari M, Young ND, Stacey G. Molecular Genetics and Genomics; 270(4):347-361.
Date published:
December 1, 2003
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Gary Stacey.
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Nodulation gene regulation in Bradyrhizobium japonicum: A unique integration of global regulatory circuits. Loh J, Stacey G. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 69(1):10-17.
Date published:
January 1, 2003
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Gary Stacey.
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AtOPT3, a member of the oligopeptide transporter family, is essential for embryo development in Arabidopsis. Stacey MG, Koh S, Becker J, Stacey G. Plant Cell; 14(11):2799-2811.
Date published:
November 1, 2002
Featured in this article:
Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Bradyoxetin, a unique chemical signal involved in symbiotic gene regulation. Loh J, Carlson RW, York WS, Stacey G. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 99(22):14446-14451.
Date published:
October 29, 2002
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Gary Stacey.
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Microarray analysis of chitin elicitation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Ramonell KM, Zhang B, Ewing RM, Chen Y, Xu D, Stacey G, Somerville S. Molecular Plant Pathology; 3(5):301-311.
Date published:
September 1, 2002
Featured in this article:
Dong Xu,
Gary Stacey.
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Characterization of early, chitin-induced gene expression in Arabidopsis. Zhang B, Ramonell K, Somerville S, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 15(9):963-970.
Date published:
September 1, 2002
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Gary Stacey.
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Peptide transport in plants. Stacey G, Koh S, Granger C, Becker JM. Trends in Plant Science; 7(6):257-263.
Date published:
June 1, 2002
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Gary Stacey.
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Quorum sensing in plant-associated bacteria. Loh J, Pierson EA, Pierson III LS, Stacey G, Chatterjee A. Current Opinion in Plant Biology; 5(4):285-290.
Date published:
January 1, 2002
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Gary Stacey.
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Standardisation of cell lines. Stacey GN. Developments in Biologicals; 111:259-272.
Date published:
January 1, 2002
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Gary Stacey.
An oligopeptide transporter gene family in Arabidopsis. Koh S, Wiles AM, Sharp JS, Naider FR, Becker JM, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 128(1):21-29.
Date published:
January 1, 2002
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Gary Stacey.
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A two-component regulator mediates population-density-dependent expression of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum nodulation genes. Loh J, Lohar DP, Andersen B, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 184(6):1759-1766.
Date published:
January 1, 2002
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Gary Stacey.
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The Bradyrhizobium japonicum hsfA gene exhibits a unique developmental expression pattern in cowpea nodules. Oh H-S, Son O, Chun J-Y, Stacey G, Lee M-S, Min K-H, Song E-S, Cheon C-I. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 14(11):1286-1292.
Date published:
January 1, 2001
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Gary Stacey.
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Differential regulation of a family of apyrase genes from Medicago truncatula. Cohn JR, Uhm T, Ramu S, Nam Y-W, Kim D-J, Varma Penmetsa R, Wood TC, Denny RL, Young ND, Cook DR, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 125(4):2104-2119.
Date published:
January 1, 2001
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Gary Stacey.
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Report and abstracts from the annual scientific meeting of the society for low temperature biology: 1-2 September 2000, st. Martin’s college, ambleside, cumbria. Stacey GN, Day JG. Cryo-Letters; 22(2):77-78.
Date published:
January 1, 2001
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey.
Binding site for chitin oligosaccharides in the soybean plasma membrane. Day RB, Okada M, Ito Y, Tsukada K, Zaghouani H, Shibuya N, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 126(3):1162-1173.
Date published:
January 1, 2001
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Gary Stacey.
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A marker-dense physical map of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum genome. Tomkins JP, Wood TC, Stacey MG, Loh JT, Judd A, Goicoechea JL, Stacey G, Sadowsky MJ, Wing RA. Genome Research; 11(8):1434-1440.
Date published:
January 1, 2001
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Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Feedback regulation of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum nodulation genes. Loh JT, Stacey G. Molecular Microbiology; 41(6):1357-1364.
Date published:
January 1, 2001
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Gary Stacey.
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Population density-dependent regulation of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum nodulation genes. Loh JT, Yuen-Tsai JP-Y, Stacey MG, Lohar D, Welborn A, Stacey G. Molecular Microbiology; 42(1):37-46.
Date published:
January 1, 2001
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Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Molecular characterization of a gene region involved in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis in Bradyrhizobium japonicum: Cloning, sequencing and expression of rfaf gene. So J-S, Kim W-S, Stacey G. FEMS Microbiology Letters; 190(1):109-114.
Date published:
September 1, 2000
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Gary Stacey.
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Cloning and functional characterization of a constitutively expressed nitrate transporter gene, OsNRT1, from rice. Lin C-M, Koh S, Stacey G, Yu S-M, Lin T-Y, Tsay Y-F. Plant Physiology; 122(2):379-388.
Date published:
February 1, 2000
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Gary Stacey.
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Differential expression of two soybean apyrases, one of which is an early nodulin. Day RB, McAlvin CB, Loh JT, Denny RL, Wood TC, Young ND, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 13(10):1053-1070.
Date published:
January 1, 2000
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Gary Stacey.
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Erratum: An Arabidopsis peptide transporter is a member of a new class of membrane transport proteins. The Plant cell (6) (1994) (1289-1299). Steiner H-Y, Song W, Zhang L, Naider F, Becker JM, Stacey G. Plant Cell; 12(11):2295.
Date published:
January 1, 2000
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Gary Stacey.
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Aberrant nodulation response of Vigna umbellata to a Bradyrhizobium japonicum NodZ mutant and nodulation signals. Conn J, Stokkermans T, Kolli VK, Day RB, Dunlap J, Carlson R, Hughes D, Peters NK, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 12(9):766-773.
Date published:
September 1, 1999
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Gary Stacey.
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The Bradyrhizobium japonicum nolA gene encodes three functionally distinct proteins. Loh J, Stacey MG, Sadowsky MJ, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 181(5):1544-1554.
Date published:
March 1, 1999
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Minviluz (Bing) Stacey,
Gary Stacey.
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Plant gene banking: Agriculture, biotechnology and conservation. Stacey GN, Lynch PT, Benson EE. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech; 10(2):9-14.
Date published:
March 1, 1999
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Gary Stacey.
Quality assurance for cell substrates. Stacey GN, Phillips P. Developments in biological standardization; 98:141-151.
Date published:
January 1, 1999
Featured in this article:
Gary Stacey.
Biodegradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in an extremely acidic environment. Stapleton RD, Savage DC, Sayler GS, Stacey G. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 64(11):4180-4184.
Date published:
November 1, 1998
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Gary Stacey.
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The Bradyrhizobium japonicum noeD gene: A negatively acting, genotype-specific nodulation gene for soybean. Lohrke SM, Day B, Kumar Kolli VS, Hancock R, Yuen JP-Y, De Souza ML, Stacey G, Carlson R, Tong Z, Hur H-G, Orf JH, Sadowsky MJ. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 11(6):476-488.
Date published:
June 1, 1998
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Gary Stacey.
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Legume nodule organogenesis. Cohn J, Bradley Day R, Stacey G. Trends in Plant Science; 3(3):105-110.
Date published:
March 1, 1998
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Gary Stacey.
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New cell substrates for in vitro evaluation of microcystin hepato- cytotoxicity. Battle T, Touchard C, Moulsdale HJ, Dowsett B, Stacey GN. Toxicology in Vitro; 11(5):557-567.
Date published:
October 1, 1997
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Gary Stacey.
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Antisense expression of the peptide transport gene AtPTR2-B delays flowering and arrests seed development in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Song W, Koh S, Czako M, Marton L, Drenkard E, Becker JM, Stacey G. Plant Physiology; 114(3):927-935.
Date published:
July 1, 1997
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Gary Stacey.
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NodV and NodW, a second flavonoid recognition system regulating nod gene expression in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Loh J, Garcia M, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 179(9):3013-3020.
Date published:
May 1, 1997
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Gary Stacey.
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Authentication of animal cell cultures by direct visualization of repetitive DNA, aldolase gene PCR and isoenzyme analysis. Stacey GN, Hoelzl H, Stephenson JR, Doyle A. Biologicals; 25(1):75-85.
Date published:
March 1, 1997
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Gary Stacey.
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Standardization in Animal Cell Technology. Stacey GN. Folia Microbiologica; 42(2):113-116.
Date published:
January 1, 1997
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Gary Stacey.
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Chitin recognition in rice and legumes. Stacey G, Shibuya N. Plant and Soil; 194(1-2):161-169.
Date published:
January 1, 1997
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Gary Stacey.
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Molecular signals exchanged between host plants and rhizobia: Basic aspects and potential application in agriculture. Hungria M, Stacey G. Soil Biology and Biochemistry; 29(5-6):819-830.
Date published:
January 1, 1997
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Gary Stacey.
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Molecular studies on a new genetic locus linked to the common nodulation genes in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Luka S, Stacey G. FEMS Microbiology Letters; 148(2):145-151.
Date published:
January 1, 1997
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Gary Stacey.
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Immortalised hepatocytes as alternatives to the use of animals. Maguire T, Moulsdale HJ, Touchard G, Stacey GN. Genetic Engineer and Biotechnologist; 17(2-3):107-109.
Date published:
January 1, 1997
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Gary Stacey.
Cooperative action of lipo-chitin nodulation signals on the induction of the early nodulin, ENOD2, in soybean roots. Minami E, Kouchi H, Carlson RW, Cohn JR, Kolli VK, Day RB, Ogawa T, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 9(7):574-583.
Date published:
September 1, 1996
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Gary Stacey.
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Phenotypic characterization and regulation of the nolA gene of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Garcia M, Dunlap J, Loh J, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 9(7):625-636.
Date published:
September 1, 1996
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Gary Stacey.
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Nodule development induced by mutants of Bradyrhizobium japonicum defective in cyclic B-glucan synthesis. Dunlap J, Minami E, Bhagwat AA, Keister DL, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 9(7):546-555.
Date published:
September 1, 1996
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Gary Stacey.
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Expression of the early nodulin, ENOD40, in soybean roots in response to various lipo-chitin signal molecules. Minami E, Kouchi H, Cohn JR, Ogawa T, Stacey G. Plant Journal; 10(1):23-32.
Date published:
July 1, 1996
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Gary Stacey.
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Plant genetic study of restricted nodulation in soybean. Qian D, Allen FL, Stacey G, Gresshoff PM. Crop Science; 36(2):234-249.
Date published:
January 1, 1996
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Gary Stacey.
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Inhibition of nod gene expression in Bradyrhizobium japonicum by organic acids. Yuen JP-Y, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 9(5):424-428.
Date published:
January 1, 1996
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Gary Stacey.
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Cloning of a second arabidopsis peptide transport gene. Song W, Steiner H-Y, Zhang L, Naider F, Stacey G, Becker JM. Plant Physiology; 110(1):171-178.
Date published:
January 1, 1996
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Comparison between parental and variant soybean Bradyrhizobium strains with regard to the production of lipo-chitin nodulation signals, early stages of root infection, nodule occupancy, and N₂ fixation rates. Hungria M, Nishi CYM, Cohn J, Stacey G. Plant and Soil; 186(2):331-341.
Date published:
January 1, 1996
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Gary Stacey.
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NodZ of Bradyrhizobium extends the nodulation host range of Rhizobium by adding a fucosyl residue to nodulation signals. López-Lara IM, Blok-Tip L, Quinto C, Garcia ML, Stacey G, Bloemberg GV, Lamers GEM, Lugtenberg BJJ, Thomas-Oats JE, Spaink HP. Molecular Microbiology; 21(2):397-408.
Date published:
January 1, 1996
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Gary Stacey.
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Bradyrhizobium elkanii induces outer cortical root swelling in soybean. Yuhashi K-I, Akao S, Fukuhara H, Tateno E, Chun J-Y, Stacey G, Hara H, Kubota M, Asami T, Minamisawa K. Plant and Cell Physiology; 36(8):1571-1577.
Date published:
December 1, 1995
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Gary Stacey.
Structural requirements of synthetic and natural product lipo-chitin oligosaccharides for induction of nodule primordia on Glycine soja. Stokkermans TJW, Ikeshita S, Cohn J, Carlson RW, Stacey G, Ogawa T, Peters NK. Plant Physiology; 108(4):1587-1595.
Date published:
August 1, 1995
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Gary Stacey.
Signal exchange in the Bradyrhizobium-soybean symbiosis. Stacey G, Sanjuan J, Luka S, Dockendorff T, Carlson RW. Soil Biology and Biochemistry; 27(4-5):473-483.
Date published:
April 1, 1995
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Gary Stacey.
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Bradyrhizobium japonicum nodulation genetics. Stacey G. FEMS Microbiology Letters; 127(1-2):1-9.
Date published:
March 15, 1995
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Gary Stacey.
The European Tissue Culture Society (ETCS) initiative on quality control of cell lines. Stacey GN, Parodi B, Doyle A. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research; 14(1 SUPPL):210-211.
Date published:
January 1, 1995
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Gary Stacey.
The biosynthesis of rhizobial lipo-oligosaccharide nodulation signal molecules. Carlson RW, Price NP, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 7(6):684-695.
Date published:
November 1, 1994
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Gary Stacey.
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An Arabidopsis peptide transporter is a member of a new class of membrane transport proteins. Steiner H-Y, Song W, Zhang L, Naider F, Becker JM, Stacey G. Plant Cell; 6(9):1289-1299.
Date published:
September 1, 1994
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Gary Stacey.
Identification and characterization of the nolYZ genes of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Dockendorff TC, Sharma AJ, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 7(2):173-180.
Date published:
March 1, 1994
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Gary Stacey.
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A Bradyrhizobium japonicum gene essential for nodulation competitiveness is differentially regulated from two promoters. Chun J-Y, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 7(2):248-255.
Date published:
March 1, 1994
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Gary Stacey.
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Identification and characterization of a novel Bradyrhizobium japonicum gene involved in host-specific nitrogen fixation. Chun J-Y, Sexton GL, Roth LE, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 176(21):6717-6729.
Date published:
January 1, 1994
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Gary Stacey.
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NodW is essential for full expression of the common nodulation genes in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Sanjuan J, Grob P, Gottfert M, Hennecke H, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 7(3):364-369.
Date published:
January 1, 1994
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Gary Stacey.
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NoIA represses nod gene expression in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Dockendorff TC, Sanjuan J, Grob P, Stacey G. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions; 7(5):569-602.
Date published:
January 1, 1994
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Gary Stacey.
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nodZ, a unique host-specific nodulation gene, is involved in the fucosylation of the lipooligosaccharide nodulation signal of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Stacey G, Luka S, Sanjuan J, Banfalvi Z, Nieuwkoop AJ, Chun J-Y, Forsberg LS, Carlson R. Journal of Bacteriology; 176(3):620-633.
Date published:
January 1, 1994
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Gary Stacey.
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Alteration of plant growth and development by Rhizobium nodA and nodB genes involved in the synthesis of oligosaccharide signal molecules. Schmidt J, Röhrig H, John M, Wieneke U, Stacey G, Koncz C, Schell J. Plant Journal; 4(4):651-658.
Date published:
January 1, 1993
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Gary Stacey.
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Diversity of retron elements in a population of rhizobia and other gram- negative bacteria. Rice SA, Bieber J, Chun J-Y, Stacey G, Lampson BC. Journal of Bacteriology; 175(13):4250-4254.
Date published:
January 1, 1993
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Gary Stacey.
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The structures and biological activities of the lipo-oligosaccharide nodulation signals produced by type I and II strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Carlson RW, Sanjuan J, Bhat UR, Glushka J, Spaink HP, Wijfjes AHM, Van Brussel AAN, Stokkermans TJW, Peters NK, Stacey G. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 268(24):18372-18381.
Date published:
January 1, 1993
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Gary Stacey.
nolMNO genes of Bradyrhizobium japonicum are co-transcribed with nodYABCSUIJ, and nolO is involved in the synthesis of the lipo- oligosaccharide nodulation signals. Luka S, Sanjuan J, Carlson RW, Stacey G. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 268(36):27053-27059.
Date published:
January 1, 1993
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Gary Stacey.
Multilocus DNA fingerprint analysis of cellbanks: Stability studies and culture identification in human B-lymphoblastoid and mammalian cell lines. Stacey GN, Bolton BJ, Morgan D, Clark SA, Doyle A. Cytotechnology; 8(1):13-20.
Date published:
February 1, 1992
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Gary Stacey.
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Detection and separation of Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium Nod metabolites using thin-layer chromatography. Spaink HP, Aarts A, Stacey G, Bloemberg GV, Lugtenberg BJ, Kennedy EP. Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI; 5(1):72-80.
Date published:
January 1, 1992
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Gary Stacey.
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Bradyrhizobium japonicum nodD₁ can be specifically induced by soybean flavonoids that do not induce the nodYABCSUIJ operon. Smit G, Puvanesarajah V, Carlson RW, Barbour WM, Stacey G. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 267(1):310-318.
Date published:
January 1, 1992
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Gary Stacey.
A 2-O-methylfucose moiety is present in the lipo-oligosaccharide nodulation signal of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Sanjuan J, Carlson RW, Spaink HP, Bhat UR, Barbour WM, Glushka J, Stacey G. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 89(18):8789-8793.
Date published:
January 1, 1992
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Gary Stacey.
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Expression of a calmodulin methylation mutant affects the growth and development of transgenic tobacco plants. Roberts DM, Besl L, Suk-Heung OH, Masterson RV, Schell J, Stacey G. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 89(17):8394-8398.
Date published:
January 1, 1992
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Gary Stacey.
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A lipopolysaccharide mutant of Bradyrhizobium japonicum that uncouples plant from bacterial differentiation. Stacey G, So JS, Roth LE, Lakshmi SK B, Carlson RW. Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI; 4(4):332-340.
Date published:
July 1, 1991
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Gary Stacey.
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DNA fingerprinting and the characterisation of cell lines. Stacey G. Cytotechnology; 6(2):91-92.
Date published:
June 1, 1991
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Gary Stacey.
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8th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation. Gresshoff PM, Roth LE, Stacey G. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter; 9(1):39-44.
Date published:
February 1, 1991
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Gary Stacey.
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Calcium-dependent phosphorylation of symbiosome membrane proteins from nitrogen-fixing soybean nodules: Evidence for phosphorylation of nodulin-26. Weaver CD, Crombie B, Stacey G, Roberts DM. Plant Physiology; 95(1):222-227.
Date published:
January 1, 1991
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Gary Stacey.
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Chemotaxis of Bradyrhizobium japonicum to soybean exudates. Barbour WM, Hattermann DR, Stacey G. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 57(9):2635-2639.
Date published:
January 1, 1991
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Gary Stacey.
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Studies of the Bradyrhizobium japonicum nodD₁ promoter: A repeated structure for the nod box. Wang S-P, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 173(11):3356-3365.
Date published:
January 1, 1991
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Gary Stacey.
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Chemical control of interstrain competition for soybean nodulation by Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Cunningham S, Kollmeyer WD, Stacey G. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 57(7):1886-1892.
Date published:
January 1, 1991
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Gary Stacey.
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The quality control of cell banks using DNA fingerprinting. Stacey GN, Bolton BJ, Doyle A. EXS; 58:361-370.
Date published:
January 1, 1991
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Gary Stacey.
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The Bradyrhizobium japonicum nolA gene and its involvement in the genotype-specific nodulation of soybeans. Sadowsky MJ, Cregan PB, Gottfert M, Sharma A, Gerhold D, Rodriguez-Quinones F, Keyser HH, Hennecke H, Stacey G. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; 88(2):637-641.
Date published:
January 1, 1991
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Gary Stacey.
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Ammonia regulation of nod genes in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Wang S-P, Stacey G. MGG Molecular & General Genetics; 223(2):329-331.
Date published:
September 1, 1990
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Gary Stacey.
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Efficient DNA transformation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum by electroporation. Hattermann DR, Stacey G. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 56(4):833-836.
Date published:
January 1, 1990
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Gary Stacey.
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Immunogold localization of the NodC and NodA proteins of Rhizobium meliloti. Johnson D, Roth LE, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 171(9):4583-4588.
Date published:
September 1, 1989
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Gary Stacey.
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Bacterium release into host cells of nitrogen-fixing soybean nodules: the symbiosome membrane comes from three sources. Roth LE, Stacey G. European Journal of Cell Biology; 49(1):13-23.
Date published:
June 1, 1989
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Gary Stacey.
Cytoplasmic membrane systems involved in bacterium release into soybean nodule cells as studied with two Bradyrhizobium japonicum mutant strains. Roth LE, Stacey G. European Journal of Cell Biology; 49(1):24-32.
Date published:
June 1, 1989
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Gary Stacey.
Identification of Bradyrhizobium nod genes involved in host-specific nodulation. Deshmane N, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 171(6):3324-3330.
Date published:
June 1, 1989
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Gary Stacey.
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Use of a promoter-specific probe to identify two loci from the Rhizobium meliloti nodulation regulon. Gerhold D, Stacey G, Kondorosi A. Plant Molecular Biology; 12(2):181-188.
Date published:
February 1, 1989
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Gary Stacey.
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Lipid A with 2,3-diamino-2,3-dideoxy-glucose in lipopolysaccharides from slow-growing members of Rhizobiaceae and from “Pseudomonas carboxydovorans”. Mayer H, Krauss JH, Urbanik-Sypniewska T, Puvanesarajah V, Stacey G, Auling G. Archives of Microbiology; 151(2):111-116.
Date published:
January 1, 1989
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Gary Stacey.
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Regulation of nod gene expression in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Banfalvi Z, Nieuwkoop A, Schell M, Besl L, Stacey G. MGG Molecular & General Genetics; 214(3):420-424.
Date published:
November 1, 1988
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Gary Stacey.
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Localizations of aluminum in soybean bacteroids and seeds. Roth LE, Dunlap JR, Stacey G. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 53(10):2548-2553.
Date published:
October 1, 1987
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Gary Stacey.
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Transposon-induced symbiotic mutants of Bradyrhizobium japonicum: Isolation of two gene regions essential for nodulation. So J-S, Hodgson LM, Haugland R, Leavitt M, Banfalvi Z, Nieuwkoop AJ, Stacey G. MGG Molecular & General Genetics; 207(1):15-23.
Date published:
April 1, 1987
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Gary Stacey.
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Cell surface polysaccharides from Bradyrhizobium japonicum and a nonnodulating mutant. Puvanesarajah V, Schell FM, Gerhold D, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 169(1):137-141.
Date published:
January 1, 1987
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Gary Stacey.
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Common loci for Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Rhizobium meliloti exopolysaccharide synthesis and their roles in plant interactions. Cangelosi GA, Hung L, Puvanesarajah V, Stacey G, Ozga DA, Leigh JA, Nester EW. Journal of Bacteriology; 169(5):2086-2091.
Date published:
January 1, 1987
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Gary Stacey.
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A locus encoding host range is linked to the common nodulation genes of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Nieuwkoop AJ, Banfalvi Z, Deshmane N, Gerhold D, Schell MG, Sirotkin KM, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 169(6):2631-2638.
Date published:
January 1, 1987
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Gary Stacey.
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Signal exchange in plant-microbe interactions. Halverson LJ, Stacey G. Microbiological Reviews; 50(2):193-225.
Date published:
January 1, 1986
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Gary Stacey.
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Effect of lectin on nodulation by wild-type Bradyrhizobium japonicum and a nodulation-defective mutant. Halverson LJ, Stacey G. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 51(4):753-760.
Date published:
January 1, 1986
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Gary Stacey.
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Potential for rhizobium improvement. Hodgson ALM, Stacey G, Gibson AH. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology; 4(1):1-74.
Date published:
January 1, 1986
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Isolation and characterization of the DNA region encoding nodulation functions in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Russell B, Schell MG, Nelson KK, Halverson LJ, Sirotkin KM, Stacey G. Journal of Bacteriology; 164(3):1301-1308.
Date published:
January 1, 1985
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Gary Stacey.
Role for 2-linked-β-D-glucan in the virulence of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Puvanesarajah V, Schell FM, Stacey G, Douglas CJ, Nester EW. Journal of Bacteriology; 164(1):102-106.
Date published:
January 1, 1985
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Gary Stacey.
Rhizobium inoculation of legumes. Stacey G, Upchurch RG. Trends in Biotechnology; 2(3):65-70.
Date published:
May 1, 1984
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Gary Stacey.
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Bacteriophage that can distinguish between wild-type Rhizobium japonicum and a non-nodulating mutant. Stacey G, Pocratsky LA, Puvanesarajah V. Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 48(1):68-72.
Date published:
January 1, 1984
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Gary Stacey.
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Electron transport to nitrogenase. Purification and characterization of pyruvate:flavodoxin oxidoreductase. The nifJ gene product.. Shah VK, Stacey G, Brill WJ. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 258(19):12064-12068.
Date published:
October 10, 1983
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Gary Stacey.
Mutants of Rhizobium japonicum defective in nodulation. Stacey G, Paau AS, Noel KD, Maier RJ, Silver LE, Brill WJ. Archives of Microbiology; 132(3):219-224.
Date published:
September 1, 1982
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Intragenic complementation by the nifJ-coded protein of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Stacey G, Zhu J, Shah VK, Shen SC, Brill WJ. Journal of Bacteriology; 150(1):293-297.
Date published:
January 1, 1982
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Gary Stacey.
Rhizobium japonicum mutants defective in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Noel KD, Stacey G, Tandon SR, Siver LE, Brill WJ. Journal of Bacteriology; 152(1):485-494.
Date published:
January 1, 1982
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Gary Stacey.
The purification of glutamine synthetase from Azotobacter and other procaryotes by blue sepharose chromatography. Lepo JE, Stacey G, Wyss O, Tabita FR. BBA - Enzymology; 568(2):428-436.
Date published:
June 6, 1979
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Nitrogen and ammonia assimilation in the cyanobacteria: Regulation of glutamine synthetase. Stacey G, Van Baalen C, Tabita FR. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics; 194(2):457-467.
Date published:
May 1, 1979
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Control of heterocyst and nitrogenase synthesis in cyanobacteria. Stacey G, Bottomley PJ, Van Baalen C, Tabita FR. Journal of Bacteriology; 137(1):321-326.
Date published:
January 1, 1979
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Gary Stacey.
Isolation and characterization of a marine Anabaena sp. capable of rapid growth on molecular nitrogen. Stacey G, Van Baalen C, Tabita FR. Archives of Microbiology; 114(3):197-201.
Date published:
September 1, 1977
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Nitrogen and ammonia assimilation in the cyanobacteria: purification of glutamine synthetase from Anabaena sp. strain CA. Stacey G, Tabita FR, Van Baalen C. Journal of Bacteriology; 132(2):596-603.
Date published:
January 1, 1977
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Gary Stacey.